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How to add flash intro to website


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I wanted to insert a flash movie before the website loads i.e the introduction is of a flash movie then the webpage appears.

is this what you want?http://lachupathingy.bravehost.comIf so:what you want to do is once you put the flash on a html page you want to name that file index.htm (example: www.website.com/index.htm) your website should automatically goto that first, then all you have to do is make it so the flash knows to goto whatever you name your main page under (i name mine index2.htm) and you gotta do that in AS.
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Well first off you will need to know a little actionsscript. Here is what I can help you with. In the very last fame of you movie make a keyframe and make sure it (the keyframe) is selected. Open the actions panel (F9) and input the following code.getURL(http://www.webpagenamehere.com)This code makes it that so when the movie hits the last frame, it automatically loads up your web page.of course replacing the webpagenamehere part with the web address you want to load. Now you are done with the actionscript. To actually get the flash movie into the web page and make it your index you will need to finish the movie and then export it (file - export - movie). Once that is done, you will need to publish it. To do this do file - publish. This will give you the HTML file to use as your index page. Make sure you upload both the html and the swf (movie again) files into your database and of course make sure the html file is name index.html or index.htm, making it the default page so that when someone types in you web address they are taken to your flash movie. You don't need the actual fla. file (Fla just means a flash document.)

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