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Working with dates from sql


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If I have a field in the MySQL database with contains a date. And I import it to a PHP variable like this

$con = mysql_connect("localhost","","");if (!$con)  {  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());  }mysql_select_db("db", $con);$result = mysql_query("select * from table");while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))  {  $date[$count]=$row['date'];  }

How do I get the day? For example if the date id 2007-11-18, I need the 18, How do I do this?

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I have a function that takes dates from databases and returns values from it.This example will print the day onto the page:

/* This is the function */function datetime($syntax,$datetime) {    $year = substr($datetime,0,4);    $month = substr($datetime,5,2);    $day = substr($datetime,8,2);    $hour = substr($datetime,11,2);    $min = substr($datetime,14,2);    $sec = substr($datetime,17,2);       return date($syntax,mktime($hour,$min,$sec,$month,$day,$year));}/* Call the function and show the day of the given date */echo datetime("d",$row['date']);

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No, the datetime function acts like the PHP date() function except with SQL results. That means you need to have a string before: datetime("Y",$row['date']); would return a four-digit year for example.In order to get the 18 of 2007-11-18, you write datetime("d",$row['date']);

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Ahhh.. I think i get it.. you simply "cut" parts of the string.. well I'll need to modify it, becaue I get the date like this "2007-11-17" so I need the function

function datetime($syntax,$datetime) {  $year = substr($datetime,0,4);  $month = substr($datetime,5,2);  $day = substr($datetime,8,2);  return date($syntax,mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year));}/// and callecho datetime("d",$row['date']);


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