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general form validation


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Well, you could check each one as its being filled in (with the "onchange" event), so that the user will be alerted on the first sign of error. The event itself will be triggered by a certain field, and yout validator will initiate just once, checking only the field that was changed.You are going to have to put the event handler on all fields though. If this is what you mean to avoid, use the "onchange" object in JS' DOM while looping on all fields, rather than the "onchange" attribute directly on form fields.

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Maybe you can just loop through all the <input> and <textarea> elements:<form onsubmit="valid()" ... ...

function valid() {var err = false;var errmessage = "The following fields have not been filled in:\n";var fields = document.getElementsByTagName("input");var areas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");for(x=0;x<fields.length;x++) {   if(fields[x].value == "") {	  err = true;	  errmessage += fields[x].name + "\n"   }}for(y=0;y<areas.length;y++) {   if(areas[y].value == "") {	  err = true;	  errmessage += areas[y].name + "\n"   }}if(err) alert(errmessage);return false;}

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that still didn't work :/heres my code

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">function valid() {var err = false;var errmessage = "All fields must be filled in.\n";var fields = document.getElementsByTagName("input");var areas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");for(x=0;x<fields.length;x++) {   if(fields[x].value == "") {	  err = true;   }}for(y=0;y<areas.length;y++) {   if(areas[y].value == "") {	  err = true;   }}if(err){  alert(errmessage);  return false;}else  return true;</script></head><body><div><center><h2>CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL APPLICATION</h2>(The application MUST be filled out in its entirety for full consideration)</center><form onSubmit="return valid()" name="application" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

PS: sorry for the long time between posts, been busy

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