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free from po-up bloked in IE6


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Hi this is my code:

<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1256"><script language = javascript>var address = 'index12.htm';   var op_tool  = 0;	var op_loc_box  = 0;	var op_dir  = 0;	var op_stat  =0;	var op_menu  = 0;	var op_scroll  = 0;	var op_resize  = 0;	var op_wid  = 1024;   var op_heigh = 735;				 var option = "toolbar="+ op_tool +",location="+ op_loc_box +",directories=" + op_dir +",status="+ op_stat +",menubar="+ op_menu +",scrollbars="  + op_scroll +",resizable="  + op_resize +",width=" + op_wid +",height="+ op_heigh;var win3 = window.open("", "what_I_want", option);  var win4 = window.open(address, "what_I_want");</script></head><body onload = "self.close ()" language = javascript>

I want open a window in full screen mode (without Address bar and any thing else)and this code work goodBut return a bad step in IE6(pop-up bloked)And need to allow it for run this script.How can I relief from this bloker?I want my clients don't get this messeg (for allowing run java script)thank or your help

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Hi khadem1386this is where I am with opening a window of a size (still working on it - but window.screen.width and hight/** are quite easy to get (users screen size)):

function open_win(){/* add if, else if, else as you may*/if (window.screen.width=='1024') {window.open("index12.html","_blank","toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, copyhistory=no, width=600, height=490");}/* can also disable f11m but the frame around the window is still there */

Hope it helps

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Whether or not the popup gets blocked depends on how you open it. Windows that get opened automatically, like onload, onunload, or like you have (just inline code that gets run) are normally blocked, because websites abused those methods and started opening advertisements automatically. That's specifically why popup blockers got invented, if no one ever abused popups we wouldn't need to block them. Windows that get opened by a user action, such as onclick, are normally allowed by popup blockers because the user chose to open the window.

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But I want have an index page(as default) in full screen mode with out address bar or any other thingI want run first page in my site in full screen mode. and I cannot use Onclick or a user Actions .I open a Tempindex page in first step and then it open another page in fullscreen mode and close itself.Is there any another way?thank for your help

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No, there are heavy security restrictions on what websites can do to your browser, and in the process of development many benign features have been compromised. So... not really.

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Yeah, there's not a way to get around popup blockers doing something like that. The reason is because that is exactly how a lot of advertisements get opened, onload just opens another page which may or may not close the opener. There's no way for a popup blocker to distinguish between your site and an advertisement, so you have to live with the fact that online marketers have killed this possibility for us.

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But I want have an index page(as default) in full screen mode with out address bar or any other thingI want run first page in my site in full screen mode. and I cannot use Onclick or a user Actions .I open a Tempindex page in first step and then it open another page in fullscreen mode and close itself.Is there any another way?thank for your help
Hi there,is it that what u want is only get your site displayed fullscreen? i did work on this topic too. but it was quite a long time ago and i cannot remember how it worked now. but my in memory, there is a way. not necessary to bother with popups. using js onload to set it fullscreen or something similar. i will dig into my old files and find the way out after my current project has finished. or someone may have solved your problem beforehand =)enjoy =)
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