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Syntax Question


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Hi,I'm new to CSS and wherever I looked I couldn't get an answer to my question. So here I am at the forums. Basically I'm wondering if the following is correct.

#text{font-size:130%}#header{font-family:arial, verdana, "lucida console";font-weight:bold;font-size: 480%;text-align:center}.hello{font-size: 900%}

As you can see I have no html tag on the id's or the class yet still they work. I checked a few validation websites and they said all was fine.In my html document I was using the id multiple times to define different sections with headers and text.So basically I'm asking can I use the following in the CSS code#*what ever i like* {CSS styles....}And in the html document put<div id="*what ever i like*>The bit of text </div>And can I do the same with classes doing this in the CSS.*what ever i like* {CSS styles.....}And in the html document put<div class="*what ever i like*>The bit of text</div>Is this ok to do ???Thanks for any help :)

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Make sure to put a closing " for the <div class"*whatever*>. Looks like you can use _, a-z, A-Z for the first character of the id/class and 0-9, A-Z, a-z, _ for any character after. CSS has a lot of ways to select certain elements.# is for id's. is for classesIf you don't specify what element to select such as h1.example { ... }, it will select all of the elements with that same class name, and that is what you did.

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It is invalid to have two elements with the same id. Also, if you have spaces in your class attribute you assign multiple classes to that element, e.g.

<img class="class1 class2 class3" />

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