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I have run into a problem...


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For some reason, this is just not working!!! I am trying to make a simple 'include on every page thing' by putting a code of JavaScript on every page, but this just is not working no matter what I do! no error messages, nothing at all! Arg I just want to throw my computer out my window(even though it has nothing to do with it)Here is the code:

<html><head><title></title></head><body oncontextmenu="return movemenu()" onclick='movemenuback()'>test<textarea style="display:none" id="addon"></tr></td><tr><td><hr width="90%"></td></tr><tr></textarea><textarea style="display:none" id="extra"></textarea><script>var x = '0';var y = '0';function show_coords(e){	e = (e) ? e : window.event;	x = e.clientX;	y = e.clientY;}document.onmousemove = show_coords;function movemenu(){document.getElementById('menu').style.left = x + 'px';document.getElementById('menu').style.top = y + 'px';return false}function movemenuback(){document.getElementById('menu').style.left = '-100px';document.getElementById('menu').style.top = '-100px';}var t = document.getElementById('extra').value;var p = document.getElementById('addon').value;if(t == ''){var write_in = '';}else{var write_in = p + t;}var abc = "<div id=\"menu\" style=\"position:absolute;top:-100;left:-100;display:block;\"><table border='1' bgcolor='EEEEEE' bordercolor='BBBBBB' style=\"border-collapse: collapse;\"><tr><td><table border='0' bgcolor='EEEEEE' bordercolor='BBBBBB'><tr><td onmouseover=\"this.style.backgroundColor = '#BBBBBB'\" onmouseout=\"this.style.backgroundColor = '#EEEEEE'\" style='background-color:EEEEEE;' onclick=\" window.location='http://clone-drone.net'\">Home</tr></td><tr><td onmouseover=\"this.style.backgroundColor = '#BBBBBB'\" onmouseout=\"this.style.backgroundColor = '#EEEEEE'\" style='background-color:EEEEEE;' onclick=\" window.location='http://clone-drone.net'\">Games</tr></td><tr><td onmouseover=\"this.style.backgroundColor = '#BBBBBB'\" onmouseout=\"this.style.backgroundColor = '#EEEEEE'\" style='background-color:EEEEEE;' onclick=\" window.location='http://cmail.clone-drone.net'\">Clone-Mail" + write_in + "</tr></td></table></tr></td></table></div>";document.write(abc)</script></body></html>

Here is the link:http://www.clone-drone.net/ajax_test.html

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Well, the most important problem here is this:var abc = "<div id=\"menu\" style=\"position:absolute;top:-100;left:-100;display:block;\"><table ...You can't insert a line break within a line of Javascript code.You can use \n or escape them with \.Like this:var abc = "\n<div id=\"menu\" style=\"position:absolute;top:-100;left:-100;display:block;\">\<table ...

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so, I have to make it like this?? ...:

var abc = "<div id=\"menu\" style=\"position:absolute;top:-100;left:-100;display:block;\">\n<table border='1' bgcolor='EEEEEE' bordercolor='BBBBBB' style=\"border-collapse: collapse;\">\n<tr><td>\n<table border='0' bgcolor='EEEEEE' bordercolor='BBBBBB'>\n<tr><td onmouseover=\"this.style.backgroundColor = '#BBBBBB'\" onmouseout=\"this.style.backgroundColor = '#EEEEEE'\" style='background-color:EEEEEE;' onclick=\" window.location='http://clone-drone.net'\">\n\nHome\n\n</tr></td><tr><td onmouseover=\"this.style.backgroundColor = '#BBBBBB'\" onmouseout=\"this.style.backgroundColor = '#EEEEEE'\" style='background-color:EEEEEE;' onclick=\" window.location='http://clone-drone.net'\">\n\nGames\n	ECT.

Does everything have to be on the same line like up there?

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Either all on the same line, or you escape the line breaks by putting a \ at the end.But again, why are you trying to generate all that HTML instead of just wtiting it right there?

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Ok, I need it to be like this:

<html><head></head><body oncontextmenu="return movemenu()" onclick='movemenuback()'><script src="the code above"></script></body></html>

I want to include it on every page... without having too much other junk, and so if I make a major change, I don't have to go through every file making that change!

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That would make every page on my site .php ... is there a way to make your site excute PHP if it was .html? I know some sites that are .phtml , does that mean I could try and edit something to do that?I already have the PHP to do it in another file...

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