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IFRAME question


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Never really used iframes before so not quite sure I'm doing.Right - I've got an iframe<iframe id="name" src="textfile.html" width=... height=... etc></iframe>This is fine if I want to display the contents of an existing file (in this example textfile.html), but is it possible to generate the required content without having a file?What I would like to do is a straightforward <form action....> with a text field called message. Then get the message using $message=$_POST['message'] in the usual way, and then put that text into the iframe.Can it be done? Thanks.

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Not with iFrames, unless you're using sessions.You can "simulate" the iFrame with div tags: Let's guess we have a page called messages.php

<form action="messages.php" method="post">Message:<textarea name="message"></textarea><br><input type="submit" value="Submit Message"></form><?if (isset($_POST['message'])){	echo "<div style=\"width:[any number]px; height:[any number]px; overflow:auto\">"	.$_POST['message'].	"</div>";}?>

The div tag generates a scroll if the message is more than the defined width and height; which, I think, is what you're looking for with the iFrame

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