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CSS Menu Popout


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Hi, everyone. First of all, this is the page that is concerned: Page. I am upgrading the previous web site. And now I have a problem.What I would like to do is to create a pop-out menu that would appear when the person hovers on Produits et services. The menu would contain the following items: FileMaker, Servoy, and Hébergement. The menu would disappear when the person removed their mouse from the button. Is there any way of doing this with CSS ?Thank you.

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Well, that was the original choice of the person who posted that thread, too. If your users won't be using IE6, it can all be done in CSS. But it's likely that 35-40% of your users will be on IE6, so we really have to use JS. What follows contains minimal JS, just enough to get the job done.

 <html>	<head>	   <style>		  div.menu {width: 150px; height: 20px; overflow: hidden; }		  div.body {height: auto; background-color: #DDDDDD; padding-left: 1em;}	   </style>	</head> 	<body bgcolor="#ffffff">	   <div class="menu" id="testMenu">		  <div class="menu"  onmouseover="document.getElementById('testMenu').style.height='250px';"  onmouseout="document.getElementById('testMenu').style.height='20px'}">			 Test		  </div>		  <div class="menu body" onmouseover="document.getElementById('testMenu').style.height='250px';"  onmouseout="document.getElementById('testMenu').style.height='20px'}">			   <p><a href="#">Hello world!</a></p>			   <p><a href="#">Hello world!</a></p>			   <p><a href="#">Hello world!</a></p>			   <p><a href="#">Hello world!</a></p>			   <p><a href="#">Hello world!</a></p>			   <p><a href="#">Hello world!</a></p>		  </div>	   </div>	</body> </html>

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