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Multiple checkboxes


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Hello all,I'd multiple checkboxs and radio buttons , and they are generated automatically based on the database that I'd (mysql)..on my page, I had queried all the questions and number of options, part of the code that I think you need is:for($i=1;$i<=$NbOptions;$i++){if($MultiAnswer == 'yes'){echo "<input type='checkbox' name='box[]' value='$idQuestion_$i' />" . $row2['option'.$i];echo "<br />";}else{echo "<input type='radio' name='box[]' value='' />" . $row2['option'.$i];echo "<br />";}}when I press save ,I useif(isset($_POST['save']))//here I want to loop through all the box[]?and see if its checked or no

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In $_POST['box'] you will have values of checked checkboxes only, if a checkbox is not checked the form will not send the value for that checkbox to the script.here is an example

for ($i=0; $i<count($_POST['box']; $i++){	$echo $_POST['box'][$i];}


foreach ($_POST['box] as $box){	$echo $box;}

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what lulzim said. But a pretty easy way to tell if its a checkbox or radio is to put in a hidden input tag that says something like

echo "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$IsRadio\" name=\"checkOrRadio" />\n";

Where $IsRadio is some value defined in your script(usually a 1 or 0 works just fine, as they are the equivelent of true or false).

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