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reach of variables


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hi, i wrote the following script (thats all the script, copy-paste)<?php$algo="una cadena asignada a algo";function prueba() { if (isset($algo)) { echo "definido "; } else { echo "no definido "; } echo $algo;}prueba();echo "fin";?>the output is 'no definido fin'it means the 'algo' var is not found inside the function. can anybody explain the reach of variables? i mean, if i can not find in a function the var i defined in the same script, not aslocal inside another function, how does the reach of variables work?tnx

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That is called variable scope. The variable $algo is defined as a global variable. If you want to access a global variable inside a function you need to tell the function you want to use the global version. You can either use the global keyword or the $GLOBALS array.

$algo="una cadena asignada a algo";function prueba() {  global $algo;  if (isset($algo)) {	echo "definido ";  } else {	echo "no definido ";  }  echo $GLOBALS['algo'];}

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