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A basic perl query script


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To inaugurate the new CGI forum, I thought I would post an extremely basic perl script. This one barfs back the values of a query string. Along the way, we see how to use the perl module CGI, how to parse a query string when the names of the parameters are known in advance, and how to print a response. I suggest calling it query.cgi . Bon appetit!

#!/usr/bin/perluse CGI; # the object-oriented configuration of CGI.pm$query = new CGI;for (@NAMES = $query->param) {   if	( $_ eq "a") {$A = $query->param( $_ );} # $_ is basic to perl scripting   elsif ( $_ eq "b") {$B = $query->param( $_ );}   elsif ( $_ eq "c") {$C = $query->param( $_ );}}print $query->header(); # A shortcut to the normal content headerprint <<END_HTML; # The 'here-doc' method of quoting formatted text<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html>   <head>	  <title>Parsing a query string</title>   </head>   <body>	 a = $A	 <br>	 b = $B	 <br>	 c = $C   </body></html>END_HTML# To test the script, paste the query string below to the end of the script's url# ?a=apples&b=bananas&c=carrots#end query.cgi

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Remember: perl scripts do not usually copy and paste very well. The usual villain is newline/carriage return characters. If you do want to paste this one, if you get an error, you might try deleting all the end-of-lines and then simply hitting your return key to reinsert the proper end-of line code. Or, you could just retype the thing.

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