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Image resizing

The Sea King

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Don't believe javascript resizes images... you can use the height/width attribute of an image tag to have the image displayed smaller, but you need a server side language to resize the image if i'm not mistaken.

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You can "resize" an image using JS to modify its height and width, but it will look weird as there will not be interpolation, as it gets smaller pixels will just be sacrificed, making the image look jagged. You can use PHP's GD image functions to smoothly resize an image.

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Something like this will do then (images you want to resize give a class of small)

function setsizes() {	images = document.getElementsByTagName('img');	for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {		img = images[i];		if (img.className == "small") {			if (img.height > 640 || img.width > 480) {				if (img.height > 3 * (img.width / 4)) img.style.height = "480px";				else img.style.width = "640px";			}		}	}}

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