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Date picker


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Hi everyone,I'm using some script that i found on the internet. It's a Date picker, really good, but i need one small addition to it. I'm not familiar with javascript, so i cannot do it myself. Basically, what i have here is a booking engine. The user selects the "starting date"and what i want is that the "ending date" automatically changes to a week later from the starting date. Here's the code:

/*********************************************** Fool-Proof Date Input Script with DHTML Calendar by Jason Moon - webmaster@moonfam.net ************************************************/// Customizable variablesvar DefaultDateFormat = 'MM/DD/YYYY'; // If no date format is supplied, this will be used insteadvar HideWait = 3; // Number of seconds before the calendar will disappearvar Y2kPivotPoint = 76; // 2-digit years before this point will be created in the 21st centuryvar FontSize = 11; // In pixelsvar FontFamily = 'Tahoma';var CellWidth = 18;var CellHeight = 16;var ImageURL = 'images/calendar.gif';var NextURL = 'images/next.gif';var PrevURL = 'images/prev.gif';var CalBGColor = 'white';var TopRowBGColor = 'buttonface';var DayBGColor = 'lightgrey';// Global variablesvar ZCounter = 100;var Today = new Date();var WeekDays = new Array('S','M','T','W','T','F','S');var MonthDays = new Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);var MonthNames = new Array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December');// Write out the stylesheet definition for the calendarwith (document) {   writeln('<style>');   writeln('td.calendarDateInput {letter-spacing:normal;line-height:normal;font-family:' + FontFamily + ',Sans-Serif;font-size:' + FontSize + 'px;}');   writeln('select.calendarDateInput {letter-spacing:.06em;font-family:Verdana,Sans-Serif;font-size:11px;}');   writeln('input.calendarDateInput {letter-spacing:.06em;font-family:Verdana,Sans-Serif;font-size:11px;}');   writeln('</style>');}// Only allows certain keys to be used in the date fieldfunction NumOnly(e) {   var KeyCode = (e.keyCode) ? e.keyCode : e.which;   return ((KeyCode == 8) // backspace		|| (KeyCode == 9) // tab		|| (KeyCode == 37) // left arrow		|| (KeyCode == 39) // right arrow		|| (KeyCode == 46) // delete		|| ((KeyCode > 47) && (KeyCode < 58)) // 0 - 9   );}// Gets the absolute pixel position of the supplied elementfunction GetTagPixels(StartTag, Direction) {   var PixelAmt = (Direction == 'LEFT') ? StartTag.offsetLeft : StartTag.offsetTop;   while ((StartTag.tagName != 'BODY') && (StartTag.tagName != 'HTML')) {	  StartTag = StartTag.offsetParent;	  PixelAmt += (Direction == 'LEFT') ? StartTag.offsetLeft : StartTag.offsetTop;   }   return PixelAmt;}// Is the specified select-list behind the calendar?function BehindCal(SelectList, CalLeftX, CalRightX, CalTopY, CalBottomY, ListTopY) {   var ListLeftX = GetTagPixels(SelectList, 'LEFT');   var ListRightX = ListLeftX + SelectList.offsetWidth;   var ListBottomY = ListTopY + SelectList.offsetHeight;   return (((ListTopY < CalBottomY) && (ListBottomY > CalTopY)) && ((ListLeftX < CalRightX) && (ListRightX > CalLeftX)));}// For IE, hides any select-lists that are behind the calendarfunction FixSelectLists(Over) {   if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {	  var CalDiv = this.getCalendar();	  var CalLeftX = CalDiv.offsetLeft;	  var CalRightX = CalLeftX + CalDiv.offsetWidth;	  var CalTopY = CalDiv.offsetTop;	  var CalBottomY = CalTopY + (CellHeight * 9);	  var FoundCalInput = false;	  formLoop :	  for (var j=this.formNumber;j<document.forms.length;j++) {		 for (var i=0;i<document.forms[j].elements.length;i++) {			if (typeof document.forms[j].elements[i].type == 'string') {			   if ((document.forms[j].elements[i].type == 'hidden') && (document.forms[j].elements[i].name == this.hiddenFieldName)) {				  FoundCalInput = true;				  i += 3; // 3 elements between the 1st hidden field and the last year input field			   }			   if (FoundCalInput) {				  if (document.forms[j].elements[i].type.substr(0,6) == 'select') {					 ListTopY = GetTagPixels(document.forms[j].elements[i], 'TOP');					 if (ListTopY < CalBottomY) {						if (BehindCal(document.forms[j].elements[i], CalLeftX, CalRightX, CalTopY, CalBottomY, ListTopY)) {						   document.forms[j].elements[i].style.visibility = (Over) ? 'hidden' : 'visible';						}					 }					 else break formLoop;				  }			   }			}		 }	  }   }}// Displays a message in the status bar when hovering over the calendar daysfunction DayCellHover(Cell, Over, Color, HoveredDay) {   Cell.style.backgroundColor = (Over) ? DayBGColor : Color;   if (Over) {	  if ((this.yearValue == Today.getFullYear()) && (this.monthIndex == Today.getMonth()) && (HoveredDay == Today.getDate())) self.status = 'Click to select today';	  else {		 var Suffix = HoveredDay.toString();		 switch (Suffix.substr(Suffix.length - 1, 1)) {			case '1' : Suffix += (HoveredDay == 11) ? 'th' : 'st'; break;			case '2' : Suffix += (HoveredDay == 12) ? 'th' : 'nd'; break;			case '3' : Suffix += (HoveredDay == 13) ? 'th' : 'rd'; break;			default : Suffix += 'th'; break;		 }		 self.status = 'Click to select ' + this.monthName + ' ' + Suffix;	  }   }   else self.status = '';   return true;}// Sets the form elements after a day has been picked from the calendarfunction PickDisplayDay(ClickedDay) {   this.show();   var MonthList = this.getMonthList();   var DayList = this.getDayList();   var YearField = this.getYearField();   FixDayList(DayList, GetDayCount(this.displayed.yearValue, this.displayed.monthIndex));   // Select the month and day in the lists   for (var i=0;i<MonthList.length;i++) {	  if (MonthList.options[i].value == this.displayed.monthIndex) MonthList.options[i].selected = true;   }   for (var j=1;j<=DayList.length;j++) {	  if (j == ClickedDay) DayList.options[j-1].selected = true;   }   this.setPicked(this.displayed.yearValue, this.displayed.monthIndex, ClickedDay);   // Change the year, if necessary   YearField.value = this.picked.yearPad;   YearField.defaultValue = YearField.value;}// Builds the HTML for the calendar daysfunction BuildCalendarDays() {   var Rows = 5;   if (((this.displayed.dayCount == 31) && (this.displayed.firstDay > 4)) || ((this.displayed.dayCount == 30) && (this.displayed.firstDay == 6))) Rows = 6;   else if ((this.displayed.dayCount == 28) && (this.displayed.firstDay == 0)) Rows = 4;   var HTML = '<table width="' + (CellWidth * 7) + '" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" style="cursor:default">';   for (var j=0;j<Rows;j++) {	  HTML += '<tr>';	  for (var i=1;i<=7;i++) {		 Day = (j * 7) + (i - this.displayed.firstDay);		 if ((Day >= 1) && (Day <= this.displayed.dayCount)) {			if ((this.displayed.yearValue == this.picked.yearValue) && (this.displayed.monthIndex == this.picked.monthIndex) && (Day == this.picked.day)) {			   TextStyle = 'color:white;font-weight:bold;'			   BackColor = DayBGColor;			}			else {			   TextStyle = 'color:black;'			   BackColor = CalBGColor;			}			if ((this.displayed.yearValue == Today.getFullYear()) && (this.displayed.monthIndex == Today.getMonth()) && (Day == Today.getDate())) TextStyle += 'border:1px solid darkred;padding:0px;';			HTML += '<td align="center" class="calendarDateInput" style="cursor:default;height:' + CellHeight + ';width:' + CellWidth + ';' + TextStyle + ';background-color:' + BackColor + '" onClick="' + this.objName + '.pickDay(' + Day + ')" onMouseOver="return ' + this.objName + '.displayed.dayHover(this,true,\'' + BackColor + '\',' + Day + ')" onMouseOut="return ' + this.objName + '.displayed.dayHover(this,false,\'' + BackColor + '\')">' + Day + '</td>';		 }		 else HTML += '<td class="calendarDateInput" style="height:' + CellHeight + '"> </td>';	  }	  HTML += '</tr>';   }   return HTML += '</table>';}// Determines which century to use (20th or 21st) when dealing with 2-digit yearsfunction GetGoodYear(YearDigits) {   if (YearDigits.length == 4) return YearDigits;   else {	  var Millennium = (YearDigits < Y2kPivotPoint) ? 2000 : 1900;	  return Millennium + parseInt(YearDigits,10);   }}// Returns the number of days in a month (handles leap-years)function GetDayCount(SomeYear, SomeMonth) {   return ((SomeMonth == 1) && ((SomeYear % 400 == 0) || ((SomeYear % 4 == 0) && (SomeYear % 100 != 0)))) ? 29 : MonthDays[SomeMonth];}// Highlights the buttonsfunction VirtualButton(Cell, ButtonDown) {   if (ButtonDown) {	  Cell.style.borderLeft = 'buttonshadow 1px solid';	  Cell.style.borderTop = 'buttonshadow 1px solid';	  Cell.style.borderBottom = 'buttonhighlight 1px solid';	  Cell.style.borderRight = 'buttonhighlight 1px solid';   }   else {	  Cell.style.borderLeft = 'buttonhighlight 1px solid';	  Cell.style.borderTop = 'buttonhighlight 1px solid';	  Cell.style.borderBottom = 'buttonshadow 1px solid';	  Cell.style.borderRight = 'buttonshadow 1px solid';   }}// Mouse-over for the previous/next month buttonsfunction NeighborHover(Cell, Over, DateObj) {   if (Over) {	  VirtualButton(Cell, false);	  self.status = 'Click to view ' + DateObj.fullName;   }   else {	  Cell.style.border = 'buttonface 1px solid';	  self.status = '';   }   return true;}// Adds/removes days from the day list, depending on the month/yearfunction FixDayList(DayList, NewDays) {   var DayPick = DayList.selectedIndex + 1;   if (NewDays != DayList.length) {	  var OldSize = DayList.length;	  for (var k=Math.min(NewDays,OldSize);k<Math.max(NewDays,OldSize);k++) {		 (k >= NewDays) ? DayList.options[NewDays] = null : DayList.options[k] = new Option(k+1, k+1);	  }	  DayPick = Math.min(DayPick, NewDays);	  DayList.options[DayPick-1].selected = true;   }   return DayPick;}// Resets the year to its previous valid value when something invalid is enteredfunction FixYearInput(YearField) {   var YearRE = new RegExp('\\d{' + YearField.defaultValue.length + '}');   if (!YearRE.test(YearField.value)) YearField.value = YearField.defaultValue;}// Displays a message in the status bar when hovering over the calendar iconfunction CalIconHover(Over) {   var Message = (this.isShowing()) ? 'hide' : 'show';   self.status = (Over) ? 'Click to ' + Message + ' the calendar' : '';   return true;}// Starts the timer over from scratchfunction CalTimerReset() {   eval('clearTimeout(' + this.timerID + ')');   eval(this.timerID + '=setTimeout(\'' + this.objName + '.show()\',' + (HideWait * 1000) + ')');}// The timer for the calendarfunction DoTimer(CancelTimer) {   if (CancelTimer) eval('clearTimeout(' + this.timerID + ')');   else {	  eval(this.timerID + '=null');	  this.resetTimer();   }}// Show or hide the calendarfunction ShowCalendar() {   if (this.isShowing()) {	  var StopTimer = true;	  this.getCalendar().style.zIndex = --ZCounter;	  this.getCalendar().style.visibility = 'hidden';	  this.fixSelects(false);   }   else {	  var StopTimer = false;	  this.fixSelects(true);	  this.getCalendar().style.zIndex = ++ZCounter;	  this.getCalendar().style.visibility = 'visible';   }   this.handleTimer(StopTimer);   self.status = '';}// Hides the input elements when the "blank" month is selectedfunction SetElementStatus(Hide) {   this.getDayList().style.visibility = (Hide) ? 'hidden' : 'visible';   this.getYearField().style.visibility = (Hide) ? 'hidden' : 'visible';   this.getCalendarLink().style.visibility = (Hide) ? 'hidden' : 'visible';}// Sets the date, based on the month selectedfunction CheckMonthChange(MonthList) {   var DayList = this.getDayList();   if (MonthList.options[MonthList.selectedIndex].value == '') {	  DayList.selectedIndex = 0;	  this.hideElements(true);	  this.setHidden('');   }   else {	  this.hideElements(false);	  if (this.isShowing()) {		 this.resetTimer(); // Gives the user more time to view the calendar with the newly-selected month		 this.getCalendar().style.zIndex = ++ZCounter; // Make sure this calendar is on top of any other calendars	  }	  var DayPick = FixDayList(DayList, GetDayCount(this.picked.yearValue, MonthList.options[MonthList.selectedIndex].value));	  this.setPicked(this.picked.yearValue, MonthList.options[MonthList.selectedIndex].value, DayPick);   }}// Sets the date, based on the day selectedfunction CheckDayChange(DayList) {   if (this.isShowing()) this.show();   this.setPicked(this.picked.yearValue, this.picked.monthIndex, DayList.selectedIndex+1);}// Changes the date when a valid year has been enteredfunction CheckYearInput(YearField) {   if ((YearField.value.length == YearField.defaultValue.length) && (YearField.defaultValue != YearField.value)) {	  if (this.isShowing()) {		 this.resetTimer(); // Gives the user more time to view the calendar with the newly-entered year		 this.getCalendar().style.zIndex = ++ZCounter; // Make sure this calendar is on top of any other calendars	  }	  var NewYear = GetGoodYear(YearField.value);	  var MonthList = this.getMonthList();	  var NewDay = FixDayList(this.getDayList(), GetDayCount(NewYear, this.picked.monthIndex));	  this.setPicked(NewYear, this.picked.monthIndex, NewDay);	  YearField.defaultValue = YearField.value;   }}// Holds characteristics about a datefunction dateObject() {   this.date = (arguments.length == 1) ? new Date(arguments[0]) : new Date(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);   this.yearValue = this.date.getFullYear();   this.monthIndex = this.date.getMonth();   this.monthName = MonthNames[this.monthIndex];   this.fullName = this.monthName + ' ' + this.yearValue;   this.day = this.date.getDate();   this.dayCount = GetDayCount(this.yearValue, this.monthIndex);   var FirstDate = new Date(this.yearValue, this.monthIndex, 1);   this.firstDay = FirstDate.getDay();}// Keeps track of the date that goes into the hidden fieldfunction storedMonthObject(DateFormat, DateYear, DateMonth, DateDay) {   dateObject.call(this, DateYear, DateMonth, DateDay);   this.yearPad = this.yearValue.toString();   this.monthPad = (this.monthIndex < 9) ? '0' + String(this.monthIndex + 1) : this.monthIndex + 1;   this.dayPad = (this.day < 10) ? '0' + this.day.toString() : this.day;   this.monthShort = this.monthName.substr(0,3).toUpperCase();   // Formats the year value   if (DateFormat != 'YYYYMMDD') {	  DateFormat.match(/(Y{2,4})$/);	  if (RegExp.$1.length == 2) this.yearPad = this.yearPad.substr(2);   }   // Formats the date   if (/YYYYMMDD/.test(DateFormat)) this.formatted = this.yearPad + this.monthPad + this.dayPad;   else {	  if (/MM?\/DD?\/Y{2,4}/.test(DateFormat)) var FirstPart = this.monthPad + '/' + this.dayPad + '/';	  else if (/DD?\/MM?\/Y{2,4}/.test(DateFormat)) var FirstPart = this.dayPad + '/' + this.monthPad + '/';	  else if (/DD?-((MON)|(MMM))-Y{2,4}/.test(DateFormat)) var FirstPart = this.dayPad + '-' + this.monthShort + '-';	  else if (/((MON)|(MMM))-DD?-Y{2,4}/.test(DateFormat)) var FirstPart = this.monthShort + '-' + this.dayPad + '-';	  this.formatted = FirstPart + this.yearPad;   }}// Object for the current displayed monthfunction displayMonthObject(ParentObject, DateYear, DateMonth, DateDay) {   dateObject.call(this, DateYear, DateMonth, DateDay);   this.displayID = ParentObject.hiddenFieldName + '_Current_ID';   this.getDisplay = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.displayID)');   this.dayHover = DayCellHover;   this.goCurrent = new Function(ParentObject.objName + '.getCalendar().style.zIndex=++ZCounter;' + ParentObject.objName + '.setDisplayed(Today.getFullYear(),Today.getMonth());');   if (ParentObject.formNumber >= 0) this.getDisplay().innerHTML = this.fullName;}// Object for the previous/next buttonsfunction neighborMonthObject(ParentObject, IDText, DateMS) {   dateObject.call(this, DateMS);   this.buttonID = ParentObject.hiddenFieldName + '_' + IDText + '_ID';   this.hover = new Function('C','O','NeighborHover(C,O,this)');   this.getButton = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.buttonID)');   this.go = new Function(ParentObject.objName + '.getCalendar().style.zIndex=++ZCounter;' + ParentObject.objName + '.setDisplayed(this.yearValue,this.monthIndex);');   if (ParentObject.formNumber >= 0) this.getButton().title = this.monthName;}// Sets the currently-displayed month objectfunction SetDisplayedMonth(DispYear, DispMonth) {   this.displayed = new displayMonthObject(this, DispYear, DispMonth, 1);   // Creates the previous and next month objects   this.previous = new neighborMonthObject(this, 'Previous', this.displayed.date.getTime() - 86400000);   this.next = new neighborMonthObject(this, 'Next', this.displayed.date.getTime() + (86400000 * (this.displayed.dayCount + 1)));   // Creates the HTML for the calendar   if (this.formNumber >= 0) this.getDayTable().innerHTML = this.buildCalendar();}// Sets the current selected datefunction SetPickedMonth(PickedYear, PickedMonth, PickedDay) {   this.picked = new storedMonthObject(this.format, PickedYear, PickedMonth, PickedDay);   this.setHidden(this.picked.formatted);   this.setDisplayed(PickedYear, PickedMonth);}// The calendar objectfunction calendarObject(DateName, DateFormat, DefaultDate) {   /* Properties */   this.hiddenFieldName = DateName;   this.monthListName = DateName + '_Month';   this.dayListID = DateName + '_Day_ID';   this.yearFieldID = DateName + '_Year_ID';   this.monthDisplayID = DateName + '_Current_ID';   this.calendarID = DateName + '_ID';   this.dayTableID = DateName + '_DayTable_ID';   this.calendarLinkID = this.calendarID + '_Link';   this.timerID = this.calendarID + '_Timer';   this.objName = DateName + '_Object';   this.format = DateFormat;   this.formNumber = -1;   this.picked = null;   this.displayed = null;   this.previous = null;   this.next = null;   /* Methods */   this.setPicked = SetPickedMonth;   this.setDisplayed = SetDisplayedMonth;   this.checkYear = CheckYearInput;   this.fixYear = FixYearInput;   this.changeMonth = CheckMonthChange;   this.changeDay = CheckDayChange;   this.resetTimer = CalTimerReset;   this.hideElements = SetElementStatus;   this.show = ShowCalendar;   this.handleTimer = DoTimer;   this.iconHover = CalIconHover;   this.buildCalendar = BuildCalendarDays;   this.pickDay = PickDisplayDay;   this.fixSelects = FixSelectLists;   this.setHidden = new Function('D','if (this.formNumber >= 0) this.getHiddenField().value=D');   // Returns a reference to these elements   this.getHiddenField = new Function('return document.forms[this.formNumber].elements[this.hiddenFieldName]');   this.getMonthList = new Function('return document.forms[this.formNumber].elements[this.monthListName]');   this.getDayList = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.dayListID)');   this.getYearField = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.yearFieldID)');   this.getCalendar = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.calendarID)');   this.getDayTable = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.dayTableID)');   this.getCalendarLink = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.calendarLinkID)');   this.getMonthDisplay = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.monthDisplayID)');   this.isShowing = new Function('return !(this.getCalendar().style.visibility != \'visible\')');   /* Constructor */   // Functions used only by the constructor   function getMonthIndex(MonthAbbr) { // Returns the index (0-11) of the supplied month abbreviation	  for (var MonPos=0;MonPos<MonthNames.length;MonPos++) {		 if (MonthNames[MonPos].substr(0,3).toUpperCase() == MonthAbbr.toUpperCase()) break;	  }	  return MonPos;   }   function SetGoodDate(CalObj, Notify) { // Notifies the user about their bad default date, and sets the current system date	  CalObj.setPicked(Today.getFullYear(), Today.getMonth(), Today.getDate());	  if (Notify) alert('WARNING: The supplied date is not in valid \'' + DateFormat + '\' format: ' + DefaultDate + '.\nTherefore, the current system date will be used instead: ' + CalObj.picked.formatted);   }   // Main part of the constructor   if (DefaultDate == 'undefined') SetGoodDate(this, false);   else {	  if (this.format == 'YYYYMMDD') {		 (/^\d{8}$/.test(DefaultDate)) ? this.setPicked(DefaultDate.substr(0,4), parseInt(DefaultDate.substr(4,2),10)-1, DefaultDate.substr(6,2)) : SetGoodDate(this, true);	  }	  else {		 if (/\//.test(this.format)) {			if (/^(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{2,4})$/.test(DefaultDate)) {			   if (this.format.substr(0,1) == 'M') {				  var MonPart = RegExp.$1;				  var DayPart = RegExp.$2;			   }			   else {				  var MonPart = RegExp.$2;				  var DayPart = RegExp.$1;			   }			   this.setPicked(GetGoodYear(RegExp.$3), parseInt(MonPart,10)-1, DayPart);			}			else SetGoodDate(this, true);		 }		 else if (/-/.test(this.format)) {			var REMonths = '';			for (var j=0;j<MonthNames.length;j++) {			   if (j > 0) REMonths += '|';			   REMonths += MonthNames[j].substr(0,3).toUpperCase();			}			if (this.format.substr(0,1) == 'D') {			   var DateRE = new RegExp('^(\\d{1,2})-(' + REMonths + ')-(\\d{2,4})$', 'i');			   (DateRE.test(DefaultDate)) ? this.setPicked(GetGoodYear(RegExp.$3), getMonthIndex(RegExp.$2), RegExp.$1) : SetGoodDate(this, true);			}			else {			   var DateRE = new RegExp('^(' + REMonths + ')-(\\d{1,2})-(\\d{2,4})$', 'i');			   (DateRE.test(DefaultDate)) ? this.setPicked(GetGoodYear(RegExp.$3), getMonthIndex(RegExp.$1), RegExp.$2) : SetGoodDate(this, true);			}		 }	  }   }}// Main function that creates the form elementsfunction DateInput(DateName, Required, DateFormat, DefaultDate) {   if (DateName == undefined) document.writeln('<span style="color:red;font-size:' + FontSize + 'px;font-family:' + FontFamily + ';">ERROR: Missing required parameter in call to \'DateInput\': [name of hidden date field].</span>');   else {	  if (Required == undefined) Required = false;	  if (DateFormat == undefined) DateFormat = DefaultDateFormat;	  else if ((/^YYYYMMDD$/i.test(DateFormat)) || (/^((MM?)|(DD?))\/((MM?)|(DD?))\/Y{2,4}$/i.test(DateFormat)) || (/^((DD?)|((MON)|(MMM)))-((DD?)|((MON)|(MMM)))-Y{2,4}$/i.test(DateFormat))) DateFormat = DateFormat.toUpperCase();	  else {		 var AlertMessage = 'WARNING: The supplied date format for the \'' + DateName + '\' field is not valid: ' + DateFormat + '\nTherefore, the default date format will be used instead: ' + DefaultDateFormat;		 var CurrentDate = new storedMonthObject(DefaultDateFormat, Today.getFullYear(), Today.getMonth(), Today.getDate());		 if (DefaultDate != undefined) AlertMessage += '\n\nThe supplied date cannot be interpreted with the invalid format.\nTherefore, the current system date will be used instead: ' + CurrentDate.formatted;		 DateFormat = DefaultDateFormat;		 DefaultDate = CurrentDate.formatted;		 alert(AlertMessage);	  }	  // Creates the calendar object!	  eval(DateName + '_Object=new calendarObject(\'' + DateName + '\',\'' + DateFormat + '\',\'' + DefaultDate + '\')');	  if ((!Required) && (DefaultDate == undefined)) {		 var InitialStatus = ' style="visibility:hidden"';		 var InitialDate = '';	  }	  else {		 var InitialStatus = '';		 var InitialDate = eval(DateName + '_Object.picked.formatted');	  }	  if ((Required) && (DefaultDate == undefined)) DefaultDate = eval(DateName + '_Object.picked.formatted');	  // Create the form elements	  with (document) {		 writeln('<input type="hidden" name="' + DateName + '" value="' + InitialDate + '">');		 // Find this form number		 for (var f=0;f<forms.length;f++) {			for (var e=0;e<forms[f].elements.length;e++) {			   if (typeof forms[f].elements[e].type == 'string') {				  if ((forms[f].elements[e].type == 'hidden') && (forms[f].elements[e].name == DateName)) {					 eval(DateName + '_Object.formNumber='+f);					 break;				  }			   }			}		 }		 writeln('<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2"><tr>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '<td valign="middle">');		 writeln('<select name="' + DateName + '_Month" class="calendarDateInput" onChange="' + DateName + '_Object.changeMonth(this)">');		 if (!Required) {			var NoneSelected = (DefaultDate == undefined) ? ' selected' : '';			writeln('<option value=""' + NoneSelected + '></option>');		 }		 for (var i=0;i<12;i++) {			MonthSelected = ((DefaultDate != undefined) && (eval(DateName + '_Object.picked.monthIndex=='+i))) ? ' selected' : '';			writeln('<option value="' + i + '"' + MonthSelected + '>' + MonthNames[i].substr(0,3) + '</option>');		 }		 writeln('</select>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '</td>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '<td valign="middle">');		 writeln('<select' + InitialStatus + ' class="calendarDateInput" name="' + DateName + '_Day_ID"  id="' + DateName + '_Day_ID" onChange="' + DateName + '_Object.changeDay(this)">');		 for (var j=1;j<=eval(DateName + '_Object.picked.dayCount');j++) {			DaySelected = ((DefaultDate != undefined) && eval(DateName + '_Object.picked.day=='+(j))) ? ' selected' : '';			writeln('<option' + DaySelected + '>' + j + '</option>');		 }		 writeln('</select>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '</td>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '<td valign="middle">');		 writeln('<input' + InitialStatus + ' class="calendarDateInput" type="text" name="' + DateName + '_Year_ID"  id="' + DateName + '_Year_ID" size="' + eval(DateName + '_Object.picked.yearPad.length') + '" maxlength="' + eval(DateName + '_Object.picked.yearPad.length') + '" title="Year" value="' + eval(DateName + '_Object.picked.yearPad') + '" onKeyPress="return NumOnly(event)" onKeyUp="' + DateName + '_Object.checkYear(this)" onBlur="' + DateName + '_Object.fixYear(this)">');		 write('<td valign="middle">' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '<a' + InitialStatus + ' id="' + DateName + '_ID_Link" href="java script:' + DateName + '_Object.show()" onMouseOver="return ' + DateName + '_Object.iconHover(true)" onMouseOut="return ' + DateName + '_Object.iconHover(false)"><img src="' + ImageURL + '" align="baseline" title="Calendar"  border="0"></a> ');		 writeln('<span id="' + DateName + '_ID" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;width:' + (CellWidth * 7) + 'px;background-color:' + CalBGColor + ';border:1px solid dimgray;" onMouseOver="' + DateName + '_Object.handleTimer(true)" onMouseOut="' + DateName + '_Object.handleTimer(false)">');		 writeln('<table width="' + (CellWidth * 7) + '" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '<tr style="background-color:' + TopRowBGColor + ';">');		 writeln('<td id="' + DateName + '_Previous_ID" style="cursor:default" align="center" class="calendarDateInput" style="height:' + CellHeight + '" onClick="' + DateName + '_Object.previous.go()" onMouseDown="VirtualButton(this,true)" onMouseUp="VirtualButton(this,false)" onMouseOver="return ' + DateName + '_Object.previous.hover(this,true)" onMouseOut="return ' + DateName + '_Object.previous.hover(this,false)" title="' + eval(DateName + '_Object.previous.monthName') + '"><img src="' + PrevURL + '" width="5" height="9"></td>');		 writeln('<td id="' + DateName + '_Current_ID" style="cursor:pointer" align="center" class="calendarDateInput" style="height:' + CellHeight + '" colspan="5" onClick="' + DateName + '_Object.displayed.goCurrent()" onMouseOver="self.status=\'Click to view ' + eval(DateName + '_Object.displayed.fullName') + '\';return true;" onMouseOut="self.status=\'\';return true;" title="Show Current Month">' + eval(DateName + '_Object.displayed.fullName') + '</td>');		 writeln('<td id="' + DateName + '_Next_ID" style="cursor:default" align="center" class="calendarDateInput" style="height:' + CellHeight + '" onClick="' + DateName + '_Object.next.go()" onMouseDown="VirtualButton(this,true)" onMouseUp="VirtualButton(this,false)" onMouseOver="return ' + DateName + '_Object.next.hover(this,true)" onMouseOut="return ' + DateName + '_Object.next.hover(this,false)" title="' + eval(DateName + '_Object.next.monthName') + '"><img src="' + NextURL + '" width="5" height="9"></td></tr>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '<tr>');		 for (var w=0;w<7;w++) writeln('<td width="18" align="center" class="calendarDateInput" style="height:' + CellHeight + ';width:' + CellWidth + ';font-weight:bold;border-top:1px solid dimgray;border-bottom:1px solid dimgray;">' + WeekDays[w] + '</td>');		 writeln('</tr>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '</table>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '<span id="' + DateName + '_DayTable_ID">' + eval(DateName + '_Object.buildCalendar()') + '</span>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '</span>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '</td>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '</tr>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '</table>');	  }   }}

And where i call the script:<script>DateInput('Pickup_Date', true, 'DD-MON-YYYY','<%Response.write(stringvartoday)%>')</script><script>DateInput('DropOff_date', true, 'DD-MON-YYYY','<%Response.write(stringvartoday)%>')</script>I would really appreciate your help!Thanks guys!

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<script>DateInput('Pickup_Date', true, 'DD-MON-YYYY','<%Response.write(stringvartoday)%>')</script><script>DateInput('DropOff_date', true, 'DD-MON-YYYY','<%Response.write(stringvartoday)%>')</script>
Are you trying to get the second date there to be one week after the first date? Do you have other ASP code behind this?
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