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Response Buffer Limit Exceeded


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I have a very strange problem. I have built an online calendar for myself to keep track of things with and all works fine untill i go to june. Basically the calendar is one asp page that takes in a Query string of the month it is to display which then links into the database and returns the data required. Whenever this query string is equal to 6(for june), no other number, it comes back with this error.Response object error 'ASP 0251 : 80004005'Response Buffer Limit Exceeded/calendar2.asp, line 0Execution of the ASP page caused the Response Buffer to exceed its configured limit. Any ideas why?calendar2.asp

<html><head><title>My Umbrella Calendar</title><script  language="JavaScript">function getFlashMovieObject(movieName){  if (window.document[movieName])   {      return window.document[movieName];  }  if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet")==-1)  {    if (document.embeds && document.embeds[movieName])      return document.embeds[movieName];   }  else // if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet")!=-1)  {    return document.getElementById(movieName);  }}function ReceiveDataFromFlashMovie(){	var fullURL = parent.document.URL 	var mon = fullURL.substring(fullURL.indexOf('?')+7, fullURL.length)	var Qstring = 'update_multi2.asp?available=yes&month=' + mon	for (k=1;k<=31;k=k+1) 	{		var flashMovie=getFlashMovieObject(k);		var message=flashMovie.GetVariable("_root.checked");		if (message == "true"){						Qstring = Qstring + "&" + k + "=true"		}	}		window.location = Qstring	}function unReceiveDataFromFlashMovie(){	var fullURL = parent.document.URL 	var mon = fullURL.substring(fullURL.indexOf('?')+7, fullURL.length)	var Qstring = 'update_multi2.asp?available=no&month=' + mon	for (k=1;k<=31;k=k+1) 	{		var flashMovie=getFlashMovieObject(k);		var message=flashMovie.GetVariable("_root.checked");		if (message == "true"){						Qstring = Qstring + "&" + k + "=true"		}	}		window.location = Qstring}</script><% sub buildCallender()	dim month 	month = Request.QueryString("month")		Select Case month	case 1		buildMonth(31)	case 2		buildMonth(29)	case 3		buildMonth(31)	case 4		buildMonth(30)	case 5		buildMonth(31)	case 6		buildMonth(30)	case 7		buildMonth(31)	case 8		buildMonth(31)	case 9		buildMonth(30)	case 10		buildMonth(31)	case 11		buildMonth(30)	case 12		buildMonth(31)	end select	end sub sub buildMonth(x)	dim z, available, month, monday, firstMon, blanks, dot, datamonth, notes	z = x	dot = date()	datamonth = int(DatePart("m", Date()))	month = int(Request.QueryString("month"))		'Build connection with database	set conn = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")			conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & server.MapPath ("users\" & usr & "\2008.mdb")	set rs = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")		rs.Open "SELECT * FROM 2008 where monthNo=" & month, conn, 1	firstMon = rs("firstMonday")		rs.Close%><table width = "630"><tr><font color="#990000" face = "Verdana"><td align = "center" width = 90><font color="#990000" face = "Verdana">Monday</td><td align = "center" width = 90><font color="#990000" face = "Verdana">Tuesday</td><td align = "center" width = 90><font color="#990000" face = "Verdana">Wednesday</td><td align = "center" width = 90><font color="#990000" face = "Verdana">Thursday</td><td align = "center" width = 90><font color="#990000" face = "Verdana">Friday</td><td align = "center" width = 90><font color="#990000" face = "Verdana">Saturday</td><td align = "center" width = 90><font color="#990000" face = "Verdana">Sunday</td></tr></table><br>	<%	dim i,thirtyfivecounter	thirtyfivecounter = 0	if firstMon > 1 then		blanks = 8 - firstMon		for i = 1 to blanks			Response.write("<img src = 'blank.gif'>")			thirtyfivecounter = thirtyfivecounter + 1		Next	End if	for i = 1 to z		'Open record with correct date	rs.Open "SELECT * FROM " & month & " where date=" & i, conn, 1	available = cStr(rs("available"))	monday = rs("monday")	notes = rs("notes")		rs.close	rs.Open "SELECT * FROM 2008 where monthNo=" & month, conn, 1	rs.close	if monday = true and i > 1 then		Response.write("<br>")	End If		//if month < datamonth then 		//available = "no"	//End If	//if i <= DatePart("d", Date()) and month = datamonth then		//available = "no"	//End If	Response.write("<object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' codebase='' id='" & i & "' width=90 height=90><param name=movie value='daytile2.swf?location=" & available & "&date=" & i & "&month=" & month & "&notes=" & notes & " '><EMBED swliveconnect='true' src='daytile2.swf?location=" & available & "&date=" & i & "&month=" & month & "&notes=" & notes & " ' quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH='90' HEIGHT='90' NAME='" & i & "' TYPE='application/x-shockwave-flash' PLUGINSPAGE='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'></EMBED></object >")	thirtyfivecounter = thirtyfivecounter + 1	Next		do until thirtyfivecounter = 35		Response.write("<img src = 'blank.gif'>")		thirtyfivecounter = thirtyfivecounter + 1	loopend sub%></head><body><p><!--#include file="header_cal.asp"--></p><center><p><h2><font color="#990000" face = "Verdana" >2008</h2></p><center><% dim month, n, availmonth = cStr(Request.QueryString("month"))Response.write("<EMBED src='month_bar2.swf?months=" & month & "' quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH='550' HEIGHT='100' TYPE='application/x-shockwave-flash' PLUGINSPAGE='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'></EMBED>") %><br><br><tabel><%buildCallender()if month = "" then	dim cal_string, datamonths	datamonths = int(DatePart("m", Date()))	cal_string = "calendar2.asp?month=" & datamonths	//& cStr(DatePart("m", Date())	Response.Redirect (cal_string)end ifResponse.write("<form name='controller' method='POST'><input type='button' value='Make Selected Available' name='ReceiveData' onClick='ReceiveDataFromFlashMovie()' ><br><input type='button' value='Make Selected Un-Available' name='ReceiveData2' onClick='unReceiveDataFromFlashMovie()' ></form></td></tr></table>")Else	Response.write("Access Denied<br><a href='index.asp'>Go Back</a>")	End If%>


<html> <title>Umbrella Artist Care - Website Editor</title> <body><%If Session("permission") = "YES" Then 				Dim usr				usr = Session("username")				%>	<center>	<EMBED src='logo.swf' quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH='550' HEIGHT='130' NAME='logo' TYPE='application/x-shockwave-flash' PLUGINSPAGE='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'></EMBED><br><br><%	'Build connection with database	set conn = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")			conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & server.MapPath ("users.mdb")	set rs = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")			'Open record with entered username	rs.Open "SELECT * FROM userlist where username='"& usr &"'", conn, 1 		'If there is no record with the entered username, close connection	'and print out access denied, also set session(permission) to "NO"	If rs.recordcount = 0 then		rs.close		conn.close		set rs=nothing		set conn=nothing		response.write("Access Denied")		Session("permission")="NO" 		Session("username")=Username		Response.Redirect("index.asp")	end if%>

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