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Paging using a Loop to find the next and previous news


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Is it possible to get this code to work. Trying to page. Here is a snippet of the code for the previous button.

' From the current record find the record with lower ID 'IF strFirst < strCurrent THEN				do until rsNewsNav.Fields("NewsID") > strCurrent								rsNewsNav.MovePrevious()				loop				strPrevious = rsNewsNav.Fields("NewsID")ELSE				strPrevious = strFirstEND IF

So when you click on the button it gets the next one by doing a loop.The error that is gives is:do until rsNewsNav.Fields("NewsID") > strCurrentI am not sure if we are able to use this " rsNewsNav.Fields("NewsID") " in the loop ?Any suggestions would be great.

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The error that is gives is:do until rsNewsNav.Fields("NewsID") > strCurrent
That's not an error, that's a line of code. You're referencing a field object though, not a value. If you want to reference the value of a field in the recordset you do it like this:rsNewsNav.Fields.Item("NewsID").Value
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