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Almost there


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OK, I've got the site working almost everywhere, even IE6 is almost perfect. I've moved the navigation to the left as people here have suggested, although I don't like the look as much; I removed almost all of the absolute positioning, and removed the window resizing. The only issue I have is that the navigation doesn't show in IE6.The code below is to control the menu. If I remove the absolute here, then IE7 puts the menu in the middle of the page. In either case IE6 just doesn't show the menu.

/* The code below makes the menu work */	#rtnv ul	{		padding:			0; 		margin:				0;		}	#rtnv ul li {		list-style-type:	none;		border:				3px inset #000; 		margin:				0; 		padding:			0;		}	#rtnv ul li:hover {		border:				4px outset #0f0; 		}	#rtnv ul ul {		display:			none;		}	#rtnv ul li:hover > ul {		display:			block; 		left:				100%;		}	#rtnv li a {		display:			block; 		text-decoration:	none;		color:				#FFF;				/* Text color - black */		}	#rtnv ul ul {		width:				10em;		}/* Text Definition */	p,li	{		font-size:	10pt;		text-align:	justify;		margin:		0 10px 12px 10px;		}/* Position the different levels */	/* Menu text */	#rtnv	{			position:		absolute;			top:			10px;			left:			5px;			width:			12em; 				/* width of menu column */			margin:			0 0 0 3px; 			padding:		0; 			font-family:	Verdana;			/* menu font */			font-size:		9pt;			}	#rtnv li > a {			background-color: #090;				/* item background - gray */			color:			#FFF;				/* white */			padding:		3px;			}	#rtnv li:hover > a {			background-color: #090;				/* color of seleted base-level item - dark green */			}	#rtnv li.chapter > a {			background-color:	#060;				/* item background - white */			color:			#FF0;				/* color of selected sub-menu text */			}	#rtnv li.chapter:hover > a {			top:			1.75em; 			background-color:	#060;			/* color of sub-menu background */			}	/* Top level menu */	#rtnv > ul {			width:			160px;				/* item line length */			margin-left:	-6px;				/* item indent */			font-size:		85%;			}	#rtnv ul	{			border:			1px solid #060;		/* item line indent */			}	#rtnv ul li {			border-color:	#FFF;	 			/* item border color - white */			line-height:	1.25em;			}	#rtnv h4		{			font-size:		85%; 			border-bottom:	1px solid silver;			}

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By repeatedly reloading and stopping your page, I managed to get a picture of what I saw while it was loading the first time. The menu is there, but hidden! I think you need an IE CSS hack, but I don't know how to do those very well...alleghenies.jpg

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