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How do i partially select text on a text(field/area)?


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Well, in the DOM standard to select the text we use the .select() function. But the problem with this function is that it selects the entire text but i only want to make it select a portion.There is also the .setSelectionRange(start, end) but this is only for mozilla browsers including firefox. In other words, browsers like IE and Opera doesn't support it.To make it work in a IE browser, we need to create an activeX selection object, which has its own function.What i am wondering if there is any way to do it using DOM functions so that i don't have to write a function for each browser.What i have in mind is to send key codes to the value of the text container. For example, set the value of the textfield as hello + shift + left so that it will have hello with the letter o selected.Is is possible? And how do i send hey codes to the textfield value including things like press shift then left and then relesase shift?Thanks.

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There is unfortunately no one fully cross-browser method for selecting text at this time.I do not quite understand your second question.

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