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Youtube Ads not XHTML?


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I have managed to solve almost all of my web pages issues regarding XHTML validity but one. When using the Youtube ad player it wont validate. I have seen the posts and fixes for the normal youtube embedded videos but the Ad players are different. this is the basis of their code:

<div id='vu_ytplayer_SomeRandomCode'><a href='http://www.youtube.com/browse'>Watch the latest videos on YouTube.com</a></div><script type='text/javascript' src='http://www.youtube.com/cp/SomeRandomBase64Code'></script>

The "SomeRandomCode" ends with a '='. According to the W3 Validator the attribute id cannot contain a '=' Does anyone know a way to fix this?

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I don't see a "=" in the div's ID (that is what we're talking about, correct?).Try to use double quotes for the attributes instead of single quotes, i.e.

<div id="vu_ytplayer_SomeRandomCode"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/browse">Watch the latest videos on YouTube.com</a></div><script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.youtube.com/cp/SomeRandomBase64Code"></script>

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I don't see a "=" in the div's ID (that is what we're talking about, correct?).Try to use double quotes for the attributes instead of single quotes, i.e.
<div id="vu_ytplayer_SomeRandomCode"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/browse">Watch the latest videos on YouTube.com</a></div><script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.youtube.com/cp/SomeRandomBase64Code"></script>

Alright ill try that, but the div looked like this:<div id="vu_ytplayer_gHfdsqkb1fdV=">its just a random mix i put there but you get the ideaEDIT: no it didnt work, but it doesnt even work if i use an entity, i guess ill just leave that page invalid...
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You could dynamically generate the division using JS :)Thats sort of cheating though...

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Thats sort of cheating though...
Exactly because of that you might want to contact YouTube asking if you could do it OR ask them to give you a new, valid, ID.
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