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keyword rang


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Hi to all How many keywrods is valid to use in a html or asp.I make a dinamice shop(e-commers). with data base and I have to use keywords I want use all 200 products name as keywords <meta name="keywords" content="aaaa bbbbb ccccc .....">[/font]I want google's robots find my site by this keywords.I don't use reapted words and my words are true (about my act and my biz)are 200-300 words vary big? or notand if yes what is limits?Thanks very much

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Googlebot doesn't read keywords, in fact, it actually will lower your pagerank if it finds that your keywords aren't found a lot on your site.The keywords are only used by very obscure search engines these days.You want to show keywords to the search engine? Put them in your site's content, in a lot of places. Use text instead of images to make titles and things which contain keywords.Example:

<h1>Web designer</h1><p>This is the site of a web designer, I take care of everything related to web designing: HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP... If you're looking for a professional web designer, don't hesitate to contact me.</p>

Can you guess the keywords there?

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If you sign up to Google webmaster tools you can see the list of keywords Google has found on your site.

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i dont know if theres a limit and if there is youll probably never have that much keywords that youll go over it

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