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Problem with banner


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Ok I am working on a website DevWebSites.com and I need help with the banner. If you go there u might notice the banners in the way. How do I work it so its aligned left and it doesn't interfere with anythingHTML

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Well, just to point out a mistake I saw in your code at first glance:div.c8 {display:show}There is no value "show" for the display property.All these tables make your markup very much larger than it needs to be.Now, about your question. #logostrip has a fixed height of 97px. The image is taller than 97px, what do you think is happening?

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Can't you just use EDIT for small details. And... maybe you tell us more about the width problem.

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Look at the website and you'll see what I mean. Devwebsites.com ALSO anyone know how to use a fav icon (like look on the tab on ur computer next to this tab it is a V kind of thing. I want to put something there on my site. I tried using favicon.ico and It wont display.

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Ok I got the icon working thanks to w3schools.com :) Anyway Now I just need the banner to stretch the entire width of the page and have DevWebSites.com as text words in the image. Anyone know some links I can use?????

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The banner is an image file. You can't stretch it without distorting the image.You can use the background-image property in the container.If you were able to make all that design on your own, it shouldn't be too difficult to understand how to use the background-image property to extend the pattern to the full width of the page.

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He didn't. He copied the markup, style and images from Stealthbot, or something like that.

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I didnt create the image I got it from my bro at devhunters.com some kid made it. and I made the site and yet on their site the text displays unlike in mine so i copied to see what was diff and thats why theres some stealthbot links in there. I diddnt steal.and yes I did try width: 100%; and it didnt work. Nor did width: 500px;

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I didn't say you stole, I just said it wasn't made by you.But where did you try using the width values? The code isn't <img src="image" width: 100% />, or something like that. It's <img src="image" style="width: 100%" />. I guess...

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The icon is working but not the image...I'm going to look at the CSS and try it from there. Probably something in there is causing it..

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I checked your page.You didn't close the image tag, and this generated LOTS of errors. In the code below, add a > after "width: 100%"

<img src="image" style="width: 100%" <a>href='http://www.devwebsites.com/logo_de

Also, the src isn't image, but the link to the banner image.When a problem occurs, I strongly recommend using the W3 Validator for both Markup and Style.

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I fixed that but I have one more problem. I actually fixed that right before I checked this..sorry. Ok why won't the text display black in the div boxes? You know what I'm talking about if you highlight. It's driving me mad....

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<link rel="icon" 	  type="image/png" 	  href="http://www.devwebsites.com/logo.png">

Right after <head>Change it to

<link rel="icon" 	  type="image/png" 	  href="http://www.devwebsites.com/logo.png" />

Let me know when you're finished with this.

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Search for border='0'm and delete the m. I don't know what does it mean...Mate, be patient. Let's correct the mistakes, and then we can take care of other problems.Can you upload your files using an archive?

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Mate, I don't see any white text oO


Remove the </a>. It's already closed.Later Edit...OMG, me n00b! There are more than 100 errors generated by two elements having the same color. Check that, and you'll be done.The easiest way is to download DREAMWEAVER, click the text in the design mode. It will point you to its code. Change that, and you're all set.

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Or color: #FFFFFF.Mate, I don't know how to tell you, but you've started very inappropriate. Copy/paste-ing everything from a web page is just... lame oO You don't know anything about that code. When you code by hand, by yourself, you know exactly what is going on...

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