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Problem calling a script from IE


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I've created a way to dynamically call a VB script from an ASP.NET page, like this:Code:

'Dynamic VB fileDim dynamicscript1 = "<script language=""vb"" runat=""server"" src=""/maindirectory/"Dim dynamicscript2 = dir_path + subdir1_path + subdir2_pathDim dynamicscript3 = "bgscripts/vb/"Dim dynamicscript4 = page_pathDim dynamicscript5 = ".vb"" />"Response.Write(dynamicscript1 + dynamicscript2 + dynamicscript3 + dynamicscript4 + dynamicscript5)

Result:<script language="vb" runat="server" src="/maindirectory/directory/subdirectory1/subdirectory2/pagename.vb" />Firefox = Shows up great on display and in source codeIE = Shows up in code, but not on display of page. Page is just blank.I also manually put the same resulting script onto the page, and the page loaded fine in IE. It's only having a problem when I use the above script. If anyone can help me to figure out what I'm doing wrong, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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I received a working answer from another forum, and here it is:

I wouldn't think it would matter on a server side script (runat="server") but I've had issues in the past with using the XML shorthand on script tags. You might want to go ahead and try the long way (make dynamicscript5 = ".vb""></script>" instead.)
So I just changed it from:".vb"" />"to:".vb"" /></script>"...and it now works great. Thanks anyway:)
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