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register/login scripts


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No im not i simply end it later and end the php first which would that cause the error?else{echo "Welcome";echo '<a href="http://www.devwebsites.com/profile/$Username"$Username</a><br />';?><br /><ul><li><a href="http://www.devwebsites.com/forums/usercp.php"Forums UserCP</a></li><li><a href="http://www.devwebsites.com/logout.php"Logout</a></li>}^--Yea..any other ideas?

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figuresk ill go fix it and edit this post when i doedit:<?php}if (isset($_GET['error']) AND !empty($_GET['error'])){ echo 'Invalid login data supplied. Please try again.';}else{echo "Welcome";echo '<a href="http://www.devwebsites.com/profile/$Username"$Username</a><br />'; echo '<br />';echo '<ul>';echo '<li><a href="http://www.devwebsites.com/forums/usercp.php"Forums UserCP</a></li>';echo '<li><a href="http://www.devwebsites.com/logout.php"Logout</a></li>';?>}error is still there :/

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its weird but it displays the admin and stuff even when im logged out. well i hit the logout button and my logout thing heres the logout page

<?phpsession_start();session_unset();session_destroy();if(isset($_COOKIE['DevWebSites']));{$time = time();	setcookie("DevWebSites[username]", $time - 3600);	setcookie("DevWebSites[password]", $time - 3600);}header('Location: [url="http://www.devwebsites.com/');"]http://www.devwebsites.com/');[/url]exit();?>

and heres the index page for the if statement now

<?phpif ($_SESSION['loggedin'] = 0) {?><form method="post" name="cookie" action="process.php"><p><label for="username">Username : <input type="text" name="username" id="username" /></label></p><p><label for="password">Password : <input type="password" name="password" id="password" /></label></p><p><input type="checkbox" name="setcookie" value="setcookie" /> Remember Me</p><p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /> <input type="reset" name="reset" value="Reset" /></p></form><?php}if ($_SESSION['loggedin'] = 1) {echo 'Welcome <a href="http://www.devwebsites.com/profile/$Username">Admin</a><br />';echo '<ul>';echo '<li>';echo '<a href="http://www.devwebsites.com/forums/usercp.php">Forums UserCP</a>';echo '</li>';echo '<li>';echo '<a href="http://www.devwebsites.com/logout.php">Logout</a>';echo '</li>';echo '</ul>';}?>

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Also while i have this thread open I might as well ask

echo "<a href=\"http://www.devwebsites.com/profile/" . $username . ">Edit Your Profile</a>";

I am trying to make it so the person can edit his profile but this code wont display I asked my brother how I would go about using the $username because he told me in order to use php variables I had to use double quotes but I figured i wouldnt because echo "<a href=" would close the quotes and so he told me to use the escape thing which i've never heard of so any suggestions?

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You forgot to add a second quote after to close the href valueecho "<a href=\"http://www.devwebsites.com/profile/" . $username . "-->\"<-->Edit Your Profile</a>";And I already told you before that this line is going to cause you trouble:

if ($_SESSION['loggedin'] = 0) {

If you can't guess why I suggest you check the PHP tutorials on W3Schools.

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