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Why do most websites have for the font-family a choice of 2 or 3 fonts? I think, I only need one (or am I missing something important)

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Various machines have different Fonts installed. Windows has some that Apple or Linux do not have, so select several fonts to accomodate all of the Operating Systems.The Browser will use the first one on the list if it is installed, or the next one, or the next one until it finds a listed font. Always end the list with a Font Family name which the Browser will have installed. ie: sans-serif.

body {   	font: 0.8em "Lucida Grande", "Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}

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do they load in sequential order ?also is there a standard list of approved fonts?I assume as you progress with web building, you can make options for people to download fonts that are not on thier machines?

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do they load in sequential order ?also is there a standard list of approved fonts?I assume as you progress with web building, you can make options for people to download fonts that are not on thier machines?
No, the first one found installed on their machine will be the one loaded for the Font rule used.There are Fonts that are more common, like Arial, that seem to be available on many OS's, but not all OS's use all the fonts, so searc h on Google for lists of which fonts are available with the various systems.Downloading and installing fonts is a bad idea. It would take too long for the page to load, and people don't like you messing with their machine.
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do they load in sequential order ?also is there a standard list of approved fonts?I assume as you progress with web building, you can make options for people to download fonts that are not on thier machines?
They don't load at all. If they are already present on your machine, the first one found will be used. If the font is never found, the browser will explode <g>, er, pick whatever it wants.
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I assume as you progress with web building, you can make options for people to download fonts that are not on thier machines?
  • Have you ever thought about people that browse on computers without Administrative rights?
  • Have you ever thought about Operating Systems?... They use different types of fonts: Windows=TTF, Mac=PS...Open Type tries to close the gap between these two... etc.

That's a noble idea but it's technically a very bad one.

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  • Have you ever thought about people that browse on computers without Administrative rights?
  • Have you ever thought about Operating Systems?... They use different types of fonts: Windows=TTF, Mac=PS...Open Type tries to close the gap between these two... etc.

That's a noble idea but it's technically a very bad one.

I have a lot to learn :)
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I assume as you progress with web building, you can make options for people to download fonts that are not on thier machines?
The other problem with that is copyright. Microsoft actually added a CSS function to do that, but gave it up after there were lots of complaints.However, there are some Flash / JS|PHP solutions to allow you to display unusual fonts; I can't remmeber the names though - search Google.
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Yes, sIFR is an impressive simple solution/alternative, and although it depends on having the Flash Player installed and Javascript enabled in the user's browser is totally "Graceful Degradation"-compatible, this means that if these two things are not present/active in the visitor's browser, it will still work perfectly.Here's the link to the sIFR site: http://novemberborn.net/sifr/2.0.6

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