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VBScript help: find/replace?


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I'm not new to VBScript, just very bad at it. Just a warning in case, y'know, extreme familiarity is expected.The script in question is for the behavior of a custom-made Battle.net chatbot. As an example of what I want to do, I'll put in one part of a Select Case.

			   Case Else					Message = Replace(Message, LCase(MyCurUsername), Pnk & MyCurUsername & "µ096096096")					TSColor "Nrm"					ChatAdd TSCTxt & "<From: " & Account & "> µ096096096" & Message		  End Select

The line with the replace is what I'm having issues with. If I do

Message = Replace(Message, LCase(MyCurUsername), Pnk & MyCurUsername & "µ096096096")

it doesn't always catch my username due to people capitalizing it differently. And if I do

Message = Replace(LCase(Message), LCase(MyCurUsername), Pnk & MyCurUsername & "µ096096096")

EVERYTHING comes out lowercase, even though it catches my name. What I want is to have it catch my name however it is capitalized and replace it with the

Pnk & MyCurUsername & "µ096096096"

bit without trashing the sentence's capitalization.Help much appreciated, thanks! ^^

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I'm not entirely clear on where I should set the regular expression. Should it be at the top or just in the sub where I'm using it?Thanks for the fast response and the link by the way ^^EDIT: Also, the site is unclear on how you use the replace function. I assumed it would be something like

UNHRegExp.Replace(Message,  Pnk & MyCurUsername & "µ096096096")


Message = UNHRegExp.Replace(Message,  Pnk & MyCurUsername & "µ096096096")

but those don't seem to work.Help appreciated ^^EDIT: I figured it out but have NO CLUE how to fix it.It's doing it just fine, it's just that my username contains square brackets ([, ]). I can't escape them with backslashes because it's contained in a string called MyCurUsername -- which is also used for connecting to Battle.net. And even if it WEREN'T, I have no idea how to replace square brackets with escaped square brackets (So I can't just Dim a new string and be done with it, unfortunately.) Suggestions? xx'

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Forgive my VBScript, it's been many, many years.... Also, I can't test this, but I think this is what you're looking for:

Set reg = New RegExpreg.IgnoreCase = Truereg.Global = Truereg.Pattern = MyCurUsernameMessage = reg.Replace(Message, Pnk & MyCurUsername & "µ096096096")

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As I said above in my last-minute edit, that won't work because of the square brackets. xx'What I really need is something that'll escape MyCurUsername (or another string's) illegal characters...including dots, parentheses, etc. Obviously, that's beyond my abilities.EDIT: If anyone is willing to help me make such a thing though... >> I'd be infinitely grateful!

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Hate to double post, but I think I have a breakthrough.. that still needs work.I added a new sub:

Sub UserNameCharEsc'------------'Dim settings'------------	 Set UNERegExp = New RegExp	 UNERegExp.IgnoreCase = True	 UNERegExp.Global = True	 UNERegExp.Pattern = "["'	 EscUsername = UNERegExp.Replace(MyCurUsername, "\[")	 Set UNERegExp.Pattern = "]"	 EscUsername = UNERegExp.Replace(EscUsername, "\]")	 Set UNERegExp.Pattern = "_"	 EscUsername = UNERegExp.Replace(EscUsername, "\_")	 Set UNERegExp.Pattern = "("	 EscUsername = UNERegExp.Replace(EscUsername, "\(")	 Set UNERegExp.Pattern = ")"	 EscUsername = UNERegExp.Replace(EscUsername, "\)")	 Set UNERegExp.Pattern = "-"	 EscUsername = UNERegExp.Replace(EscUsername, "\-")	 Set UNERegExp.Pattern = "~"	 EscUsername = UNERegExp.Replace(EscUsername, "\~")	 Set UNERegExp.Pattern = "@"	 EscUsername = UNERegExp.Replace(EscUsername, "\@")End Sub

And then I edited the UNHRegExp pattern used in the actual AddText sub to use the string EscUsername.Output?[12:09:58.423] ~Dirge_ Dirge_DDirge_iDirge_rDirge_gDirge_eDirge__Dirge_~Obviously I messed up somewhere. This is the relevant part of the test sub I used:

			   Case LCase(MyCurUsername)					Message = UNHRegExp.Replace(Message, Grn & MyCurUsername & Pnk)					TSColor "Mne"					ChatAdd TSCTxt & "~" & Account & " " & Message & "~"

Help appreciated ^^EDIT: Idea occurred. Should I perhaps use an If statement or Select Case?

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What is the original input? "~Dirge_" ? Also, what is the list of valid characters that can make up a username?In your escaping algorithm, the only characters that you'd truly need to escape would be [, ], (, and ). The underscore (_), the tilde (~), and the at (@) have no special meaning, so they don't need to be escaped. The hypen (-) only has special meaning when it is within square brackets like so: [a-z]. If you wanted to match a through z and hypen, the expression could look like this: [-a-z] or this [a-z\-]. But in the case of your username, I don't think it needs to be escaped.

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It wasn't working previously when I had tested. So I just shoved in everything I could. xx'The original input (if you'll look at the part of the Select Case at the bottom of my last post) was Dirge_ for account and Dirge_ for message.And I just tested again without escaping the things you deemed unnecessary. Same output, exactly.EDIT: What I mean by "same output" is it's still giving that glitchy repitition of the highlighted name and the spaced out original.EDIT: Oh, and valid usernames for LOGGING ON can contain (, ), [, ], {, }, ^, !, @, #, $, ', -, _, ~, `, . and alphanumeric characters. For actually making accounts it's limited to -, _, (, ), [, ], . and alphanumeric characters, and depending on the username you might be unable to use (, ), [, or ].EDIT: I think I figured out the problem. ... It's BAD, and I don't think it's supposed to work this way.Input: Dirge_ for Account, and Test for Message.Output?[13:02:36.533] ~Dirge_ Dirge_TDirge_eDirge_sDirge_tDirge_~Insight? xx'EDIT: Just realized that I never mentioned changing accounts for testing purposes. My previous username was x[Gloom]x, switched to Dirge_ because of the brackets.

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Insight? xx'
Well, it looks like "Account" is being written correctly. So that leaves "Message" which gets output as:Dirge_TDirge_eDirge_sDirge_tDirge_If Message was "Test" before running it through the replace, it appears that the replace function is treating "Test" as "[Test]" and replacing "T" with "Dirge_T", "e" with "Dirge_e" and so on.At this point in your code:
Case LCase(MyCurUsername)					Message = UNHRegExp.Replace(Message, Grn & MyCurUsername & Pnk)					TSColor "Mne"					ChatAdd TSCTxt & "~" & Account & " " & Message & "~"

What is the pattern for UNHRegExp?

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EscUsername, which should be Dirge_.EDIT:

Sub UserNameCharEsc'------------'Dim settings'------------	 Set UNERegExp = New RegExp	 UNERegExp.IgnoreCase = True	 UNERegExp.Global = True	 UNERegExp.Pattern = "["'	 EscUsername = UNERegExp.Replace(MyCurUsername, "\[")	 Set UNERegExp.Pattern = "]"	 EscUsername = UNERegExp.Replace(EscUsername, "\]")	 Set UNERegExp.Pattern = "("	 EscUsername = UNERegExp.Replace(EscUsername, "\(")	 Set UNERegExp.Pattern = ")"	 EscUsername = UNERegExp.Replace(EscUsername, "\)")End Sub

Sub AddText (Account, Message, Style)'----'Dims'----Dim UTStDim WhStDim EmStDim JnStDim LvSt''------------'Dim settings'------------	 Set UNHRegExp = New RegExp	 UNHRegExp.IgnoreCase = True	 UNHRegExp.Global = True	 UNHRegExp.Pattern = EscUsername	 JnSt = " has joined channel " & MyChannel & "! ***"	 LvSt = " has left the channel. ***"

And MyCurUsername is Dirge_EDIT: Could it be that the UserNameCharEsc sub is adding the brackets?EDIT: Problem solved... RegExp weren't needed. I had to add , 1, -1, 1 to the end of a normal Replace.Thanks anyway^^

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