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Connecting 2 or more mysql on a website


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Hi there I'm new to SQL just wanted to know if there is a way that I can connect 2 or more sql to one website e.g. Let say that I have 3 websites the 1. is a bike website the second is a car website all of the websites have the same sql stracture now the problem comes in when I want the 3rd website to have both cars and bikes on them1.) I whant a persone to list a bike/car on the website 1/2 and then it should auto update on the 3rd website2.) and the same with the 3rd website to auto update to the othere 2 websitesis this posible Please help! :)

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Depending on the language and database you're using it should be possible. With a language like PHP using a database like MySQL, you can make however many database connections you want. You just need to keep track of your connections and know which one you're using.

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