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Guest Lady Canti

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Guest Lady Canti

I'm making a calculator for a site, and I need some help with it.The problem is, I have to make it so two items are calculated at one time, whilst also one of the items is names from a chatbox.Basically, I need to have (A • B) and (A • C) in the same statement.My current code is this:

<html><title>Woodcutting Calculator!</title><body><form>Number of Logs Cut: <input type="text" name="Number of Logs Cut"><br>Sold at: <input type="text" name="Sold at"><br>Type of Tree Cut: <select name="Type of Tree"><option value="Normal">Normal<!-- Normal is equal to 25 --><option value="Oak">Oak<!-- Oak is equal to 37.5 --><option value="Willow">Willow<!-- Willow is equal to 62.5 --><option value="Teak">Teak<!-- Teak is equal to 85 --><option value="Maple">Maple<!-- Maple is equal to 100 --><option value="Mahogany">Mahogany<!-- Mahogany is equal to 125 --><option value="Yew">Yew<!-- Yew is equal to 175 --><option value="Magic">Magic<!-- Magic is equal to 250 --></select><br><input type="button" value="Calculate!"></form></body></html>

The comments say how much they are worth, just to remind me, and tell you.What I need is...The number of logs cut multiplied by amount sold for.The number of logs cut multiplied by the number for the word in the drop-down box.I need these to appear on the same page, as it is a calculator ;dCan anyone help with this?

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This shoud do what you asked for :) I put it into a table aswell to make it a bit neaterIf you want to perform calculations on your page then it would be a good idea for you to learn a scripting language like javascript...

<html><head><title>Woodcutting Calculator!</title><script language="JavaScript">function calculate(){var a=0;var b=0;var LC=document.getElementById('LogsCut').value;var SA=document.getElementById('SoldAt').value;a=LC*SA;document.getElementById('Total1').value="£ "+a.toFixed(2);  var Tree=document.getElementById('TreeType').value;if (Tree=="Normal")b=25;else if (Tree=="Oak")b=37.5;else if (Tree=="Willow")b=62.5;else if (Tree=="Teak")b=85;else if (Tree=="Maple")b=100;else if (Tree=="Mahogany")b=125;else if (Tree=="Yew")b=175;else if (Tree=="Magic")b=250;else alert("Problems with dropdown");b=b*LCdocument.getElementById('Total2').value="£ "+b.toFixed(2); }</script></head><body><form><table border="0"><tr><td>Number of Logs Cut: </td><td><input type="text" id="LogsCut"><td></tr><tr><td>Sold at: </td><td><input type="text" id="SoldAt"></td></tr><tr><td>Type of Tree Cut:</td><td><select id="TreeType"><option value="Normal">Normal<!-- Normal is equal to 25 --><option value="Oak">Oak<!-- Oak is equal to 37.5 --><option value="Willow">Willow<!-- Willow is equal to 62.5 --><option value="Teak">Teak<!-- Teak is equal to 85 --><option value="Maple">Maple<!-- Maple is equal to 100 --><option value="Mahogany">Mahogany<!-- Mahogany is equal to 125 --><option value="Yew">Yew<!-- Yew is equal to 175 --><option value="Magic">Magic<!-- Magic is equal to 250 --></select></td></tr><td><td> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><input type="button" value="Calculate!" onclick="calculate()"></td></tr><td><td> </td></tr><tr><td>Number of Logs Cut x Sold at: </td><td><input type="text" id="Total1"><td></tr><tr><td>Sold at x Type of Tree Cut: </td><td><input type="text" id="Total2"></td></tr><table></form></body></html>

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