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Asp Save function


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I am trying to open the file news1.htm on my server (which the below code does) then i would like to make some changes to it and then have a user save it There is a submit button there, how would i tie in a save functionality to this Thank you <html><body><p> <TEXTAREA name="bytheway" style="width:700px; height:700px;"><%page_to_read="news1.htm"set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")set act = fso.opentextfile(server.mappath(page_to_read))read_text = act.readallact.closeresponse.write "<html>" & server.htmlencode(read_text) & "</html>"%></TEXTAREA><input type="submit" method="POST" value="Submit" textarea="bytheway"></body></html>

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