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Turning a Column in an ASP Page into Links


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Hi Guys, I have an ASP form in the form of a table. Well I need only one column or field in the table to appear as links to documents on my local drive.

<%option explicit%><!-- #include file="adovbs.inc"--> <html><head><title>ADO - List Database Records</title></head><body><%Dim oConn, oRs, strConnstrConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source= C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/MyWebProjects/Manual.mdb" Set oConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")oConn.Open strConn Set oRs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")oRs.Open "Orders",oConn,adOpenForwardOnly,adLockReadOnly,adCmdTableoRs.MoveFirst%><TABLE BORDER=1 COLS=<% = oRs.Fields.Count %>>   <TR>    <%Dim oField 	For Each oField In oRs.Fields %>	  <TH> <% = oField.Name %></TH>	  <% Next %>	  </TR><%Do While Not oRs.EOF %>   <TR>   <%For Each oField In oRs.Fields%>[color="#FF0000"][/color][color="#FF0000"]Note: this is where i think i need to add code to instruct my asp program to single out one field to become only links to documents[/color]       <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>	   <%If IsNull(oField) Then	       Response.Write " "		  Else		   Response.Write oField.Value		 End If  	   %>	   	   </TD>	   <% Next	   oRS.MoveNext%>	   </TR>	<% Loop %></TABLE><%	oRs.CloseSet oRs = NothingoConn.CloseSet oConn = Nothing%><h3>    <A HREF="Records1_2.htm">Click here to add a Form</A></h3></body></html>  

Thank you all in advance

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I have a few asp pages that pull up links from a db and it's relatively simple to do.Essentially what you need to do is to take the data from the relevant column and insert it into the href section of the <a> taghttp://www.amjohnson.co.uk/website.asp is built up from a db.Key code line is

<td align=center><a href="<%= rstSimple2.Fields("url").Value %>" target="_blank">Link</a>

In place of Link I could have taken a description from a field in the db.Using the simple db view pages from the ASP101 sample pages.

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I have a few asp pages that pull up links from a db and it's relatively simple to do.Essentially what you need to do is to take the data from the relevant column and insert it into the href section of the <a> taghttp://www.amjohnson.co.uk/website.asp is built up from a db.Key code line is
<TABLE BORDER=1 COLS=<% = oRs.Fields.Count %>>   <TR>    <%Dim oField 	For Each oField In oRs.Fields %>	  <TH> <% = oField.Name %></TH>	  <% Next %>	  </TR><%Do While Not oRs.EOF %>   <TR>   <%For Each oField In oRs.Fields%>       <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>[color="#9ACD32"]This is where you may need to look[/color]	   <A HREF= "<%= oRs.Fields("Link")%>">Click </A>	   <%If IsNull(oField) Then	       Response.Write " "		  Else		   Response.Write oField.Value		 End If  	   %>	   	   </TD>	   <% Next	   oRS.MoveNext%>	   </TR>	<% Loop %></TABLE>

<A HREF= "<%= oRs.Fields("Link")%>">Click </A>The output is i would say almost close to what i am trying to accomplish.Let me define a few things for you: "Link" is the name of the Field/Column I am trying to turn into links such that when a user clicks on any text in this field it would open a document."Click" was just a test I put in there to see what would happen when i run my ASP pageFinally,The output is like thisIn the field named "Link" there are text values there but now when i run my code "Click" appears beside this text values in this Field(Link)What i am trying to do is make those text values in the field (Link) become links to documents on my local drive. "Click" does not link to anything it just appears as a text with an underline.The most tricky part is I dont want to supply the texts to this Field (link) in code i want to be able to suppy it in an HTML form and post it to my database as a link that opens up documents on my local or network drive.Thank you very much for your help.Any suggestions you have are welcomed.Thank you.

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First, Thank you for your helpI tried what you showed me above and it sort of works. But below is what i did and I am not sure where i am going wrong
<TABLE BORDER=1 COLS=<% = oRs.Fields.Count %>>   <TR>    <%Dim oField 	For Each oField In oRs.Fields %>	  <TH> <% = oField.Name %></TH>	  <% Next %>	  </TR><%Do While Not oRs.EOF %>   <TR>   <%For Each oField In oRs.Fields%>       <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>[color="#9ACD32"]This is where you may need to look[/color]	   <A HREF= "<%= oRs.Fields("Link")%>">Click </A>	   <%If IsNull(oField) Then	       Response.Write " "		  Else		   Response.Write oField.Value		 End If  	   %>	   	   </TD>	   <% Next	   oRS.MoveNext%>	   </TR>	<% Loop %></TABLE>

<A HREF= "<%= oRs.Fields("Link")%>">Click </A>The output is i would say almost close to what i am trying to accomplish.Let me define a few things for you: "Link" is the name of the Field/Column I am trying to turn into links such that when a user clicks on any text in this field it would open a document."Click" was just a test I put in there to see what would happen when i run my ASP pageFinally,The output is like thisIn the field named "Link" there are text values there but now when i run my code "Click" appears beside this text values in this Field(Link)What i am trying to do is make those text values in the field (Link) become links to documents on my local drive. "Click" does not link to anything it just appears as a text with an underline.The most tricky part is I dont want to supply the texts to this Field (link) in code i want to be able to suppy it in an HTML form and post it to my database as a link that opens up documents on my local or network drive.Thank you very much for your help.Any suggestions you have are welcomed.Thank you.

Thank you very much i have accomplished what i am trying to do.I have turned each text in that field into a column.Thank you so muchPlease ignore my last post
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