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space after float in FF vs IE


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HiThis is a problem I continually deal with. I have two floating objects, in this case an image and a paragraph. The IMG floats all the way to the left and the P to the right of the container DIV just as I want them to.The problem is the difference in space between the floated objects and the following object (in this case another P) in Firefox vs. IE. Using clear:left, right or all with any of the elements in styles doesn't seem to make a difference so I use a <br clear="all" /> right after the floated objects. In FF the break causes space between the floated objects and the following P, but in IE there is no space. The difference causes a flaw in my design in one browser, depending on how I code the page.Is there a way to bypass this bug or is there an alternative to floating that won't cause the difference in browser interpretation?Here's the link: http://www.bdki.com/test/Here's the HTML

<body class="first last">		<div class="container">			<img src="images/logo.gif" border="0" alt="The Players' Ring" id="logo" />					<p id="headerNav">				<a href="contact.html">Contact</a><br />				<a href="contribute.html">Become a Member</a><br />				<a href="contribute.html">Donate</a><br />				<a href="blog.html">Blog</a>			</p>						<br />			<br clear="all" />							<p id="topNav"><a href="box.html">Box Office</a> <a href="contribute.html">Get Involved</a> <a href="onstage.html">On Stage</a> <a href="news.html">Green Room</a> <a href="about.html">About Us</a></p>			<p id="homeDescription">Welcome to The Players' Ring. Our mission is to bring to the NH Seacoast original theatre: written by local authors, produced by local teams and acted by local talent. Come on down and kick Babs in the pants, it's a HOOT!</p>		</div>	</body>

Here's the CSS

body {   font-size: 100%;	line-height:1.125em;  color: #222;   background: #000000;  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}#headerNav { float:right; text-align:right; font-size:70%; padding:0px 5px; color:#ffffff; line-height:12px; }#topNav { font-size:80%; }#topNav A { margin-right:10px; }#homeDescription { width:30em; padding-bottom:.5em; margin-left:5em; }#logo	{ margin-top:15px; position:relative; top:1.1em; float:left; }.container  { width:90%; margin:auto; background-image:url(../images/img_top_bg.gif); background-position:top left; background-repeat:repeat-x; background-color:#333366; }

Many thanks

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I'm in FF, but I not sure what I'm supposed to be seeing. What color is the space? Is it between horizontal units (so the space is a line running up and down) or vertical units (so it's a line running left to right)? All your elements seem to have ID. Maybe you could say between which Elements the space is by using the IDs. I hate to sound like a pain, but "floated objects and the following object" doesn't mean much to me. :)

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Meanwhile, I just noticed this: <br clear="all" />. I didn't realize you literally meant this.1. Acceptable values for clear are left, right, both, and none. Not all.2. clear is a style attribute, not an element property, so it needs to go in a style sheet or, less desirably, in a style="clear: both" property.3. I've never heard of a <br> tag having any style attributes.4. You can apply clear to a div, and that will take it out of the float queue.5. I have no idea if any of this affects your problem, but it needed mentioning.

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