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Text Submit Button To Send Form Data To Popup


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i have a form. i made it so that when you press the submit button it opens a popup and enters the data there. that's fine. but instead of submit button, i want submit text link. but the prolem is that the text link submit is not sending data to the pop up.code of form.<form action="action.php" method="post" name="pform" onsubmit="popupform(this, 'join')"> function popupform(myform, windowname){ if (! window.focus) { return true; } window.open('', windowname, 'height=200,width=400,scrollbars=yes'); myform.target=windowname; return true;}the code to submit using text link<a href="#" onClick="document.pform.submit(); return false;" >submit</a> any help? thanks.

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but instead of submit button, i want submit text link. but the prolem is that the text link submit is not sending data to the pop up......the code to submit using text link<a href="#" onClick="document.pform.submit(); return false;" >submit</a> .....any help? thanks.
People often forget about the css aspects... all you really need to do is style a submit button to remove the borders and background color (forget about using the 'a' link to submit) like so:
<input type="submit" value="This Is A Submit Button That Looks Like Text Only" style="border:0; background-color:transparent;" />

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