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Extracting Part Of A String


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ok so here's what I want to dosay I'm running Firefox Version 3.0.5 here's what the navigator.userAgent would look likeMozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120121 Firefox/3.0.5I just want to extract the Firefox/3.0.5 from that.any help would be appreciated :)

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You shouldn't want to do certain things that depend on certain browsers being used. They can easily be forged to make you think they are using one browser, but using another. The User-Agent string isn't going to look the same with different browsers, such as Internet Explorer being on the end instead of Firefox.Here is something about the User-Agent string with Internet Explorer from Microsoft.http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms537503.aspxAs you compare the two strings together for the two different browsers, you will see they don't look the same.You could also try navigator.appName instead, but it returns Netscape when I use Firefox.

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Well I was thinking I could do something like this

var AppName = navigator.appName;var Version = navigator.appVersion;var Cookies = navigator.cookieEnabled;var Platform = navigator.platform;var UserAgent = navigator.userAgent;if (AppName != "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && UserAgent.match("Firefox") != null)	{	alert("Your Using Firefox")	}else if (AppName != "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && UserAgent.match("Safari") != null)	{	alert("Your using Safari");	}else	{	alert("Your using Microsoft Internet Explorer");	}

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I guess you can do what you were doing with getting the User-Agent string and searching through it with an array of popular browsers with JavaScript. You could use PHP (if your hosts allow it), where you can download a file that contains a bunch of user-agent strings and lists it properties (including browser), and uses PHP to grab that information from the file.http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.get-browser.php

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if you don't know how to, you probably should not be trying to filter browsers.the only good reason to do so is to work around rendering/handling bugs in different browsers.object detection is a much more robust manner of safely handling different browser's capabilities.otherwise, you must for example, update your app every time opera adds new features that might be used by your code.

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An example of object detection:

if (XMLHttpRequest) {   return new XMLHttpRequest();}

Since the thing we're after here is an XMLHttpRequest object, it's more logical to see if such an object can in fact be generated. The alternative would be to sniff for IE, which kind of works, but doesn't really tell us what we want to know.

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You can use the height/width properties for either the screen (browser window) or document (actual web page they are viewing).document.widthdocument.heightscreen.widthscreen.heightThough you probably should use CSS properties/values to center it instead of relying on JavaScript.

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