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Trouble With A Loop

Guest kaiser0427

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Guest kaiser0427

Trouble with a timer now... not loop.Ok, I have cleaned up the code and fixed some errors in it. The problem I am having is with the timer. If you uncomment the alert it pauses after every record. when I replace it with setInterval it runs through the code but doesn't pause. First time using setInterval and any help will be appreciated.// in the head

var c=0;var t;function wait() {	document.getElementById('targetDiv').value=c;	c+=1;}function getData() {	 var mozillaFlag = false;	 var XMLHttpRequestObject = false;	 	 if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {	 	XMLHttpRequestObject = new XMLHttpRequest();		mozillaFlag = true;		} 	 else if (window.ActiveXObject) {	 	XMLHttpRequestObject = new			ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");		}		 	 if (XMLHttpRequestObject) {	 	XMLHttpRequestObject.open("GET", "xmlData/business.xml", true);			XMLHttpRequestObject.onreadystatechange = function() {			if (XMLHttpRequestObject.readyState == 4 && XMLHttpRequestObject.status == 200) {				var xmlDocument = XMLHttpRequestObject.responseXML;				if(mozillaFlag) {					removeWhitespace(xmlDocument);				}				displayBusinesses(xmlDocument);			}		  }		XMLHttpRequestObject.send(null);	 }	//wait();}function displayBusinesses(xmldoc) {	var businessesNode, WbusinessNode, featuredNode, logoNode, nameNode, descriptionNode, contactNode;	businessesNode = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("businesses");	WbusinessNode = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("Fbusiness");	featuredNode = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("featured");	logoNode = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("logo");	nameNode = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("name");	descriptionNode = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("description");	contactNode = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("contact");	var imagesFront = "<img src=";	var imagesBack = " />";	var linebreak = "\<br>";		var counter;		var temp= xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('featured');	var temp2 = document.getElementById("vars");	temp2.innerHTML="# of nodes in featured is: " + temp.length;	for (counter=0; counter < temp.length; counter++) {		//clearInterval(t);		//if (temp.length != last node of xml then execute code else if (temp.length = last node then go to first node.		featuredBusinesses = nameNode[counter].firstChild.nodeValue + linebreak + linebreak + imagesFront + logoNode[counter].firstChild.nodeValue + imagesBack;		featuredBusinesses1 = descriptionNode[counter].firstChild.nodeValue + contactNode[counter].firstChild.nodeValue;	 	var target = document.getElementById("targetDiv");		target.innerHTML=featuredBusinesses + featuredBusinesses1 + counter + "this is the value for t: " + t;		//alert("you are node number: " + counter);  // when you uncomment this line it pauses after every record displayed but now with setInterval		//alert("t =: " + t);		t=window.setInterval('displayBusinesses()', 3000);		//alert("t =: " + t);	}}function removeWhitespace(xml) {	var loopIndex;	for (loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < xml.childNodes.length;		loopIndex++) {				var currentNode = xml.childNodes[loopIndex];				if (currentNode.nodeType == 1) {		removeWhitespace(currentNode);				if (((/^\s+$/.test(currentNode.nodeValue))) && (currentNode.nodeType == 3)) {		xml.removeChild(xml.childNodes[loopIndex--]);		}	  }	}}

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