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Append A Javascript Array


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Hi, I am trying to append a javascript file "image_list.js" which contains an array like this:

var tinyMCEImageList = new Array(	["Robot", "media/robot.jpg"],	["Logo", "media/logo_over.jpg"]);

I can append the file using this:

$File = "lists/image_list.js";$Handle = fopen($File, 'a');$Data = "New Data Here";fwrite($Handle, $Data);fclose($Handle);

I just cannot figure out how to add another entry into the arraychanging it to something like this:

var tinyMCEImageList = new Array(	["Robot", "media/robot.jpg"],	["Logo", "media/logo_over.jpg"],        ["Animals", "media/animals.jpg"],        ["Cookies", "media/cookies.jpg"]);

any help is appreciated.Thanks

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Append won't work. You have that last line to deal with.Try reading the file into a string. Chop the last two characters off the end of the string. Add your new data to the end of the string. Add ");" to the end of the string. Write the string to the file, overwriting what was already there.

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That's pretty much what I came up with. Works well!

$File = "lists/image_list.js";$content1 =  implode("",file($File));$content2 = str_replace(");","",$content1);$content = str_replace("\r\n","",$content2);$new_content = "".$content.",\n[\"".$_POST['heading']."\", \"".$file_path."\"]);";$fp = fopen($File,"w");fputs($fp,$new_content);fclose($fp);

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