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Guest SRBuckey5266

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Start by reading about forms. Learn how to create a good form, with labels and inputs.Then you will need to decide if you want the answers to be checked in the browser (this will require Javascript) or by the server (this will require access to a processor like ASP or Perl or PHP -- many people on this board use PHP). Either way, you will need to learn how to program in a real programming language, not just a mark-up language, which is what HTML is.

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Start by reading about forms. Learn how to create a good form, with labels and inputs.Then you will need to decide if you want the answers to be checked in the browser (this will require Javascript) or by the server (this will require access to a processor like ASP or Perl or PHP -- many people on this board use PHP). Either way, you will need to learn how to program in a real programming language, not just a mark-up language, which is what HTML is.
I would say checking in the browser (client-side) is a bad idea, because the users could find the answers by looking at the source code, and even if you put the source code in an external script people will stay be able to track back to the script.And if you want to actually collect the results I'd seriously recommend PHP and Postgre SQL (or mySQL if you must...) since doing that in JavaScript is rather a pain.
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