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Need Help In Sending Parm From Imagemap


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Hi again, I'm trying to send a parm to a cgi file from an imagemap and while the link works, no parm gets through. This is for a real estate web page that has each property lot as an imagemap. The idea is to differentiate the lots by using the parm to ID the lot to the cgi file.Is what I'm trying to do even possible?Thanks,BBBHere is my current code where I'm trying to send two hidden parms and one (input="L2F3") within the imagemap. I have no problem in connecting to the cgi file, just that no parms are passed.<form action="/cgi/inputParmTestFinal.cgi" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="street" value="Ruby"><input type="image" name="address" value="1324"><img src="images/tour-map-quad01-prod.jpg" width="802" height="750" border="0" alt="" usemap="#tour_Map"><map name="tour_Map"><area shape="poly" coords="266,206, 234,203, 240,127, 271,127" input="L2F3" href="/cgi/inputParmTestFinal.cgi"></map></form>

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