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Javascript Fade Effect


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Hi all, I wonder if anyone can help me with this script:As it stands, the image fades out on mouseover, and reappears on mouseout (with a delay to prevent flickering). However, the effect only appears to work if you allow the opacity to fully decrement/increment to a maximum value. If the user (me...) makes rapid mouse movements, the function comes to a halt and stops fading. I figure either I need to add an event listener, or somehow I need to drop override/cancel the previous event.JS

//Fade Test ScriptaddLoadEvent(event);// EVENT HANDLER//-------------------------------------------------------------------------//stacks up events so they don't conflict//http://www.akxl.net/labs/articles/handling-events-in-javascript---from-basics-to-best-practices/function AddEventHandler(e, x){return function(){if(e) e(); x();};}// FADE FUNCTION//-------------------------------------------------------------------------function fade(element,targetOpacity) {						  //define limits for opacity						  var opaq = parseInt(element.style.opacity)*100;						  element.fade =  window.setInterval(function(){								  //sample the current value								  //multiply the value by 100 to enable de-incrementation								  //check for equality and exit the function								  if (opaq == targetOpacity){									  clearInterval(element.fade); element.fade=false;}								  //check for disparity								  else if (opaq > targetOpacity){									  opaq--;									  newopaq = (opaq/100);									  element.style.opacity = "" + newopaq + "";									  }								  else if (opaq < targetOpacity){									  opaq++;									  newopaq = (opaq/100);									  element.style.opacity = "" + newopaq + "";									  }								  },2);//end of interval						  }// EVENT TRIGGER//-------------------------------------------------------------------------function event(){				//TARGET ELEMENT				var box = document.getElementById("box");				box.style.opacity = "1";				//EVENT HANDLING				function eventHide(){					fade(box,0);					};				function eventShow(){					fade(box,100);					};				//EVENT DELAY				//declare timing variable				var mouseEventTimer;				function delayOver(){					clearTimeout(mouseEventTimer);					mouseEventTimer = setTimeout(function(){eventHide(); }, 100);					};				function delayOut(){					clearTimeout(mouseEventTimer);					mouseEventTimer = setTimeout(function(){eventShow(); }, 100);					};				box.onmouseover = AddEventHandler(box.onmouseover, delayOver);				box.onmouseout = AddEventHandler(box.onmouseout, delayOut);}

AddLoadEvent (from Jeremy Keith:DOM scripting)

function addLoadEvent(func)	{var oldonload=window.onload;	  if (typeof window.onload != "function")		{		  window.onload=(func);		}	  else		{		  window.onload = function()			{			  oldonload();			  func();			}		}	}


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">  <head>  <!--  ...............................AUTHOR......................................  ............................Marcus Kielly..................................  .................................2009......................................  ..........................marcus@marcusk.co.uk.............................  -->  <title>Fade Test</title>	  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />	  <meta name="description" content="description" />	  <meta name="keywords" content="content" />	  <link rel="icon" type="image/gif" href="./graphics/icon.gif" />	  <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" href="./screen.css" />	<script type="text/javascript" src="./addLoadEvent.js"></script>	<script type="text/javascript" src="./fade.js"></script>  </head>	  <body>  <div id="wrapper">	<!--.........................HEADER......................-->	  <div id = "masthead">			<h1>Fade Test</h1>	  </div>	  <!--.........................CONTENT......................-->	  <div id= "content">			<div id = "box">				<img src='./images/image.jpg' alt='holly'/>			</div>	  </div>  </div>  <!--.........................FOOTER......................-->  <div class="push">		</div>		</div>		<div id="footer">			  <div class="sub-footer">			  <p>footer content</p>			  </div>		</div>	</body>  </html>


#box	{	  width:235px;	  height:235px;	}

Any ideas? I know this would be easier with jQuery - but I want to try and learn the principles of JS before I resort to a library. Also, I know the style element only works in FF, but (for the purposes of this question) I'm more interested in the basic principle than cross browser performance.

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