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Checking Variable

unknown gamer

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Yes, I need help again, unfortunately... I was hoping this would be easy and thought about it and I figured this should work.Anyways, I have an input field for a username. Someone types in a username and ajax sends the username to a php file requesting if the username exists in the database. If it does it echo's "worked". So the ajax page recieves worked and the variable checks if the value is worked or something else... Apparantly it never equals worked. Here is the code:login.php:

<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"><title></title><script type="text/javascript">function my_ajax_post (data, url, callback, mode) {AJAX = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : null;AJAX.onreadystatechange = my_ajax_callback;AJAX.open ("post", url, mode);AJAX.setRequestHeader ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");AJAX.send (data);}function my_ajax_callback () {if (AJAX.readyState == 4){if (AJAX.status == 200) {if (AJAX.responseText == "worked"){document.getElementById("username").innerHTML="username worked";}else{document.getElementById("username").innerHTML="username does not exist";}} }}function username() {if (document.getElementById("pass").value == ""){var data = "username=";data += document.getElementById("user").value;my_ajax_post (data, "username.php", my_ajax_callback, true);}else{check();}}function check() {var data = "";my_ajax_post (data, "check.php", my_ajax_callback, true);}function password() {if (document.getElementById("user").value == ""){var data = "password=";data += document.getElementById("pass").value;my_ajax_post (data, "password.php", my_ajax_callback, true);}else{check();}}</script></head><body><?phpif (isset($_POST[submit])){include 'connect.php';$md5pass = md5($_POST['pass']);$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bbg WHERE username='$_POST[user]' AND password='$md5pass'");if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0){echo "Invalid login!"; exit;}else{while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){$expire=time()+60*60*24*30*12;setcookie("user", $_POST[user], $expire);echo $_POST[user];}}}?><div id="username"></div><div id="password"></div><form name="login" method="POST" action="">Username: <input type="text" id="user" name="user" onChange="username();" />Password: <input type="password" id="pass" name="pass" onChange="password();" /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login" /></form></body></html>


<?phpinclude "connect.php";$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bbg WHERE username='$_POST[username]'");if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1){echo "worked";}?>

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What do you mean? on username.php, i am checking if the username entered on login.php is in the database, if it is it echoe's the text worked and on login.php i'm checking if the text echoed on username.php is equal to worked. Also for username.php I changed the POST to GET and tested it, it DOES echo worked.

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You wrote this:

So the ajax page recieves worked and the variable checks if the value is worked or something else... Apparantly it never equals worked.
So, what is it? Print out the AJAX response in Javascript and see what the value is. I mean, if you have a piece of code checking for a specific value, and it's never matching, and you don't know why, doesn't it make sense to see what value it actually is?
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Well, yes, I did. I echoed it directly from username.php and it echoed exactly and ONLY worked. Now I set the div to the value returned in login.php and it still says worked. So I was curious and tried highlighting it I got "worked " with a space at the end... So I try that, no luck. Then I try the length code, i got a number of 299 or 293, i don't exactly remember. That really confused me and so I came here.

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http://unknowngamer.net63.net/bbgtest/login.php use the username: unknowngamer any others won't work. the worked, is the response from the username.php page, the username does not exist is part of the if statement checking if the response is worked or not...
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This is the response:

worked <!-- www.000webhost.com Analytics Code --><script type="text/javascript" src="http://analytics.hosting24.com/count.php"></script><noscript><a href="http://www.hosting24.com/"><img src="http://analytics.hosting24.com/count.php" alt="web hosting" /></a></noscript><!-- End Of Code -->

That's why I say to check the response. Alerting that or using Firebug would have shown you what was going on.

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The string.split method will split up a string on any character, such as a line break, and return an array with everything in it. The first element in the array will be the first line. You could also just limit the split to return only the first match.http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_split.asp

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Okay, its working, kind of. http://unknowngamer.net63.net/bbgtest/login.php when I enter a random name it works, when I refresh and enter unknowngamer it works. But i set it onChange call the function it used to work. Now I type in a fake name i get the message, type the real name and it never changes to username worked...Woops, had two variables the same, it works now.

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