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everytime I raed an article about sessions, I read it line by lne until I understanded as then at the end it says, this is no longer valid, do not use???session_register is deprecated$_SESSION['yadayada'] = "something I am storing"; is also no longer functional!!!!!!What is it that does work, How can I start a session and store the $myusername and $mypassword variables??

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some stuffif($count==1){session_start();$_SESSION['accountname'] = '$myusername';header("location:page2.php");}else{echo "Wrong Username or Password";}


<? $myusername= $_SESSION['accountname'];echo "Hello ". $myusername; ?>

The output is onlyHelloWhat am i doing wrong?

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The session_register() function is deprecated. Most other sessions functionality works fine. Most applications only ever need the session_start() function and the $_SESSION array.

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