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A Little Help Learning


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Hey folks I'm new to the forum but I have been referencing w3schools.com for a couple of years now. I am in the Army serving in Iraq right now, but I plan to get out of the Army in January of 2012. I want to pursue a career in web DEVELOPMENT so I am really starting to crack down on my learning.Here's my question. In what way do I need to structure my learning? I ask this because I've learned HTML, CSS and I am sharpening my Javascript skills right now. But I already know that if I want to get into web development, I have to know more. I am aware that I need to know more browser scripts as well as server side scripts. I spend a lot of time on w3schools.com and I feel like I am starting to get lost a little bit, lol.Can anyone give me some advice on which order to learn things in so I can actually draw out a plan and execute? I know trial and error will teach a lot and I do plan to continue doing that. But as for getting the basics of everything down... I need a little guidance.Thanks in advance!

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There is no need to learn any other browser scripts than Javascript.For now, make sure you know Javascript well, and once you're able to work with HTML, CSS and Javascript you can start learning a server-side language. PHP is the best one to learn if you don't want expensive hosting and you want something easier to learn.There is a large variety of server-side languages, but you only need one, because they all do the same things, basically.

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