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Random Numbers


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Genrate a random number and test it in the same page. I could use some help.Thank youguess_number.phpI need the Generate Random_Function to be called as soon as the page is loaded.

Function Generate_Random (){$random_number = rand(50,5000); //need to make $random_number global//more stuff}Function Validate($passed_val){	if ($passed_Val== $random_number)		{		// more stuff		echo "You got it right";		}				else		{		//more stuff				echo "You got it WRONG";		}}?><form method="POST" action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>">  I want to guess  <input type="text" name="guessed_number">  <br>  <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="try_this" onclick="Validate()">  I need to pass the guessed_number entry  <input type="submit" value="Generate a new number" name="get_new" onClick="Generate_Random()"></form>

I know this is not complete, but I will take any help that I can get.Thank you

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You can't call a PHP function from HTML or Javascript.You're going to have to make the equivalent of those functions in Javascript.

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PHP is C-based, keywords are lowercase, and remember naming conventions!. You can access the posted data using the $_POST superglobal array. Why do you need functions anyway?

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The onclick event of HTML elements only calls Javascript functions.If you want to do it as PHP, you'll have to send form data to a PHP page to be processed.PHP runs only before the page loads. Once the page has loaded PHP doesn't do anything else.

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How about this.Deciding what the user want to do and sending the write "User Action" to the validate number.php page.

<script type="text/javascript">var http = false;if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){http = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");} else {  http = new XMLHttpRequest();}function UserAction(Btn_Name){if(Btn_Name == "Submit")	{	var objValue = document.myform.guessed_number.value;	var params = "?action=number_submitted&user_number=" + objValue;	}if(Btn_Name == "Need_New")   {   var params = "?action=need_new_number";   }http.open("GET",validate_number.php" + params",true);http.onreadystatechange=function()   {   if(http.readyState==4)   {	document.GetElementById.My_Answer.value=http.responseText;   }}xmlhttp.send(null);}</script></head><body><form method="POST"  name = "myform" action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>"><div id="My_Answer"><br>  I want to guess<input type="text" name="guessed_number">  <br>  <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="try_this" onclick="UserAction(Submit)">  <input type="submit" value="Generate a new number" name="get_new" onClick="UserAction(Need_New)"></form>


$user_action = $_GET['action'];if ($user_action == "number_submitted"){$user_number = $_GET['user_number'];echo "You have submitted a number " .$user_number;}if ($user_action == "need_new_number"){echo "You have requested a new number";}

When I submit my form, I dont get a result. It seems like the form jsut refreshes itself???

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When using AJAX, you're not supposed to use a <form> tag or submit buttons. Just use normal buttons.However, if you wanted to avoid Javascript, AJAX is Javascript, and if Javascript is disabled it's not going to work.

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That's exactly what the submit button is supposed to do. In the previous post, I told you not to use a form tag or a submit button. Use a normal button.You also have a few mistakes in your Javascript.

I want to guess<input type="text" id="guessed_number"><br><button type="button" onclick="UserAction('Submit')">Submit</button><button type="button" onclick="UserActon('Need_New')">Generate a new number</button>

To keep up with the times, instead of using document.myform.guessed_number, which is an old fashioned method that's probably going to lose support eventually, use document.getElementById() so that you won't need a useless form to access the element.

var objValue = document.getElementById("guessed_number").value;

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