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Password Protected Page


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if you don't care about setting sessions you can just have a php form with method=post and action=passwordprotectedpage.php .... then on that page you can get the values from the form and see if they match up with whatever you want them too.... if you are only using a password.. can be something like this for example<?phpif($_POST['password'] == "mypassword"){?> This is information that will be shown if the correct password was submitted<?php}else{ echo "Password is incorrect.";}?>

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can you explain it further??

if you don't care about setting sessions you can just have a php form with method=post and action=passwordprotectedpage.php .... then on that page you can get the values from the form and see if they match up with whatever you want them too.... if you are only using a password.. can be something like this for example<?phpif($_POST['password'] == "mypassword"){?> This is information that will be shown if the correct password was submitted<?php}else{ echo "Password is incorrect.";}?>
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<html><head><title></title></head><body><?phpif($_POST['password'] == "mypassword"){?>This is information that will be shown if the correct password was submitted<?php}else{?><form action='yourpage.php' method='post'>Password: <input type='password' name='password'><br /><input type='submit' value='Submit'></form><?php}?></body></html>

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in and if/else PHP statement, what code would you put in if you wanted the person to be redirected to a page based on whether or not the provided the right information/password?nm, a simple google search did it for me.

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