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Copy-of In To A Variable


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when i do<xsl:copy-of select="." />i get a bunch of nodes and their inner text, but when i do<xsl:variable name="asdf"><xsl:copy-of select="." /></xsl:variable><xsl:value-of select=$asdf />i only get the inner text; why is that? how do i get the whole partial xml in to a variable?

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xsl:value-of translates whatever you give to it to a string.Try to copy-of the variable instead.

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i see - tho' the problem still exists as i kinda want to string it (but the whole xml, not just the inner text), since i want to call normalize-space on it

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i see - tho' the problem still exists as i kinda want to string it (but the whole xml, not just the inner text), since i want to call normalize-space on it
Errr... I'm not sure how/if you can do that in XSLT. By the time the XML reaches XSLT, it's parsed, and you instead want it raw (unparsed).Consider doing post processing of the XSLT result - do everything else, but those nodes you want to output and normalize-space on, do so with whatever your environment is (e.g. if in PHP - do it with DOM).
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trouble is, the environment varies - the xsl is for transforming a data xml from system A in to another format so system B can read it, but the systems A and B can be F and G the next daycould it be possible to for-each the partial xml and re-construct it by manually adding the inequality signs and calling name() etc? i'm not quite sure how to close the tags tho', since it's quite hierarchical...

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trouble is, the environment varies - the xsl is for transforming a data xml from system A in to another format so system B can read it, but the systems A and B can be F and G the next daycould it be possible to for-each the partial xml and re-construct it by manually adding the inequality signs and calling name() etc? i'm not quite sure how to close the tags tho', since it's quite hierarchical...
Yeah. That's one way I guess. But not with for-each. You'll need the power of templates to do arbitrary hierarchies. Something like this can do it:
<xsl:template match="*"><<xsl:value-of select="name()" />><xsl:apply-templates/></<xsl:value-of select="name()" />></xsl:template>

Then, instead of creating a variable with a copy-ed value, apply the templates at that point:

<xsl:template match="/"><!--Do everything else...--><xsl:apply-templates/><!--Do everything else...--></xsl:template>

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*edit* did get it to work with this (doing the initial element where i call this template)

<xsl:template name="initial">		<xsl:for-each select="./*">			<xsl:element name="{name()}">				<xsl:choose>					<xsl:when test="./*">						<xsl:call-template name="initial" />					</xsl:when>					<xsl:otherwise>						<xsl:value-of select="."/> <!-- don't have any attributes -->					</xsl:otherwise>				</xsl:choose>			</xsl:element>		</xsl:for-each>  </xsl:template>

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the copy-of performs a deep copy and creates a result tree fragment, not a stringtry this approach (I use MSXSL , so adjust as needed)

		<table>			<column>				<val>a</val>				<val>b</val>			</column>			<column>				<val>c</val>				<val>d</val>			</column>			<column>				<val>e</val>				<val>f</val>			</column>		</table>

	<xsl:stylesheet			xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"			xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt"			version="1.0">			<xsl:output method="html" />			<xsl:template match="/">				<xsl:variable name="col1">					<xsl:copy-of select="//column[1]" />				</xsl:variable>				<xsl:for-each select="msxsl:node-set($col1)//val">					<xsl:value-of select="name()"/>:					<xsl:value-of select="."/><br/>				</xsl:for-each>			</xsl:template>		</xsl:stylesheet>


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