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Regular Experssion For "text\text"


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This says

one to eighth alphanumeric characters or a "-" or "_", followed by a "\", followed by one or more alphanumeric characters or a "-" or "_"
If it doesn't work (as I'm a little uncertain about the "-" and "_"), try this as well:

Just curious, we are talking about NetBIOS domain names, right?

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Thanks for your reply. By the way, the regular expression you gave me doesn't seem to work properly.If the first string is longer than 8 characters, it still returns true.Also, I am only want to use alpha characters (no Numberic and no Special characters). I tried something like


and it doesnt' work as well.Thanks again for your help. I appreciate it.


This saysIf it doesn't work (as I'm a little uncertain about the "-" and "_"), try this as well:


Just curious, we are talking about NetBIOS domain names, right?

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Considering the fact we're talking about JavaScript, I have to ask... are you sure you've written the string correctly? You need to also escape the "\" in it, like so:

var regex = /^[A-Za-z]{1,8}\\[A-Za-z]+$/;var valString1 = "this\\valid";var valString2 = "domain\\thisIsAVeryLongUserName";var valString3 = "d\\t";var invString1 = "thisCouldBeValidIfOnlyMoreThanEighthCharactersWereAllowed\\thisToo";var invString2 = "domain\\\\ThisWasGoingToBeValidIfTwoSlashesWereAcceptable";var invString3 = "\\ThisWasGoingToBeValidIfTheDomainCouldBeEmpty";var invString4 = "domain\\";//Despite being a valid NetBIOS name, as per your request, the below is not acceptedvar invString5 = "my-server\\user";//both should be truealert(regex.test(valString1));alert(regex.test(valString2));alert(regex.test(valString3));//all three should be falsealert(regex.test(invString1));alert(regex.test(invString2));alert(regex.test(invString3));alert(regex.test(invString4));alert(regex.test(invString5));

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It's missing the start and end.^([A-Za-z]){1,8}\\([A-Za-z])+$^ means to match from the start of the string, and $ means to match until the end. The reason it was matching without that is because when you had a string like this:askldfjklasdjfklasjdf/askldfjdit was matching only this part:fklasjdf/askldfjdWith the start and end there, it means that it needs to match the entire string, not just part of it.

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