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Javascript / Jquery Amateur Help ?


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I need help for jquery / Javascript , i have a silly question .If i want to use 2 or more plugins for Jquery everyone of them needs to be triggered through the <script> tag inside the <head> how can i do this add those scripts together and make them work ? (ofcourse after linking them )for example i`m using these Jquery form plugin & a twitter pluginthe form plugin needs to add this in the <head>

	<script type="text/javascript"> 		// wait for the DOM to be loaded 		$(document).ready(function() { 			// bind 'myForm' and provide a simple callback function 			$('#myForm').ajaxForm(function() { 				alert("Thank you for your comment!"); 			}); 		}); 	</script>

and this for the twitter plugin

<script type='text/javascript'>	$(document).ready(function(){		$(".tweet").tweet({			username: "seaofclouds",			join_text: "auto",			avatar_size: 32,			count: 3,			auto_join_text_default: "we said,",			auto_join_text_ed: "we",			auto_join_text_ing: "we were",			auto_join_text_reply: "we replied to",			auto_join_text_url: "we were checking out",			loading_text: "loading tweets..."		});	});</script>

and each one needs to add it`s script inside the <head> how can i do this ?i tried this

<script type="text/javascript>form stuff</script><script type="text/javascript>twitter stuff</script>

and this

<script type="text/javascript>  $(document).ready(function()  { 	// bind 'myForm' and provide a simple callback function 	$('#myForm').ajaxForm(function()	{ 		alert("Thank you for your comment!"); 	}); 	$(".tweet").tweet(	{		username: "seaofclouds",		join_text: "auto",		avatar_size: 32,		count: 3,		auto_join_text_default: "we said,",		auto_join_text_ed: "we",		auto_join_text_ing: "we were",		auto_join_text_reply: "we replied to",		auto_join_text_url: "we were checking out",		loading_text: "loading tweets..."	});});</script>

with no success i don`t know why ?thanks

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you need to include the scripts before calling them

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/jquery.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/form_plugin.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/twitter_plugin.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">  $(document).ready(function()  { 	// bind 'myForm' and provide a simple callback function 	$('#myForm').ajaxForm(function()	{ 		alert("Thank you for your comment!"); 	}); 	$(".tweet").tweet(	{		username: "seaofclouds",		join_text: "auto",		avatar_size: 32,		count: 3,		auto_join_text_default: "we said,",		auto_join_text_ed: "we",		auto_join_text_ing: "we were",		auto_join_text_reply: "we replied to",		auto_join_text_url: "we were checking out",		loading_text: "loading tweets..."	});});</script>

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yeah i know and i already linking them

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="css/reset.css" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="css/main.css" /><!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="css/ie.css" /><![endif]--><script type="text/javascript"  src="scripts/jquery.min.js" /><script type="text/javascript"  src="scripts/jquery.tweet.js" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery.form.js" /><script type="text/javascript">  $(document).ready(function()  { 	// bind 'myForm' and provide a simple callback function 	$('#myForm').ajaxForm(function()	{ 		alert("Thank you for your comment!"); 	}); 	$(".tweet").tweet(	{		username: "seaofclouds",		join_text: "auto",		avatar_size: 32,		count: 3,		auto_join_text_default: "we said,",		auto_join_text_ed: "we",		auto_join_text_ing: "we were",		auto_join_text_reply: "we replied to",		auto_join_text_url: "we were checking out",		loading_text: "loading tweets..."	});});</script>

but i guess i found the problem i think cause i closed the script tags with /> instead of <script></script>

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