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At the beginning of every page I want it to check if I have the site down for maintenance (for future use). If it does then the page loads a "Down for Maintenance" page. If not, it loads regularly. I'm trying to get my script to read what the maintenance field in my system_status table says. It will either say true or false. But when I try and show an alert of the value, it comes up blank.

mysql_select_db("b17_3648160_systemdb", $con);$query= "SELECT * FROM system_status";$run= mysql_query($query);$results = mysql_fetch_array($run);alert($results['maintenance']);

It should show "false". Also, alert is a custom function which works with other text.

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If it's a boolean false value, it might print an empty string instead of the string "false". Use var_dump to check it:var_dump($results['maintenance']);that will tell you both the type and value of the variable.

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