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Datetime Or "..."


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Hi folks,I want to have an element that either contains a dateTime or the literal string "...". Is there any way to specify this in Schema?The element in question is the creationTimestamp element as below:

	 <complexType name="persistedEntity">		  <sequence>			  <element name="editedBy" type="string" minOccurs="0" />			  <element name="creationTimestamp" type="dateTime" minOccurs="0" />			  <element name="status" type="syringe:entityStatus" minOccurs="0" />		  </sequence>	  </complexType>	<complexType name="role">		<complexContent>			<extension base="syringe:mnemonizedPersistedEntity">				<sequence>					<element name="name" type="string" />					<element name="builtIn" type="boolean" minOccurs="0" />				</sequence>			</extension>		</complexContent>	</complexType>

I would like to be able to use it as such:

			<role>				<editedBy>SYSTEM</editedBy>				<creationTimestamp>...</creationTimestamp>				<status>NORMAL</status>				<mnemonic>ADMIN</mnemonic>				<name>ADMIN</name>				<builtIn>true</builtIn>			</role>

The "..." is for testing purposes, a way to say "I don't care what dateTime is here", whereas the actual dateTime is used in any other case.Cheers,Sybren

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Instead of specifying xsd:dateTime on type, create a custom type that would be a union of xsd:dateTime, and your own type that defines "..." as a valid enumeration value.Particularly:

<xsd:element name="creationTimestamp" minOccurs="0" type="dateTimeExtended" /><xsd:simpleType name="dateTimeExtended">	<xsd:union memberTypes="xsd:dateTime dots"/></xsd:simpleType><xsd:simpleType name="dots">	<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">		<xsd:enumeration value="..." />	</xsd:restriction></xsd:simpleType>

BTW, sorry for being so late in answering, but I only just now saw this topic.

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Instead of specifying xsd:dateTime on type, create a custom type that would be a union of xsd:dateTime, and your own type that defines "..." as a valid enumeration value.
Thank you, this is very useful and exactly what I hoped for :)
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