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Black Background Missing In Firefox And Opera


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hi alli have two column div structure in which i have applied black background colour to the main div which holds the two columns (left and right divs).In internet explorer 7 the structure shows black colour in right side fine but its missing in Firefox 3 and opera 9. why.please copy and paste the code in your editor and check.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>Untitled Document</title><style type="text/css">#main{width:946px;margin:0px auto;background-color:#000000; height:100%; }#left{width:201px;float:left;height:100%;background-color:#FFFF00;}#right{background-color:#FF00FF;width:725px;padding:10px;}</style></head><body style="background-color:#FF0000"><!-- main starts --><div id="main"><!-- left starts --><div id="left"><p style="padding-left:30px; line-height:22px; margin:0px;"><a href="one.html">Nokia</a> <br /> Samsung <br /> HTC <br /> LG <br />Sony Ericsson<br /> Samsung <br /> HTC <br /> LG <br /> Sony Ericsson<br /> Samsung <br /> HTC <br /> LG <br /> Samsung <br /> HTC <br /> LG <br /> Sony Ericsson</p></div><!-- left ends --><!-- right starts --><div id="right" style="float:right"><p>hello how are you</p><p>hello how are you</p><p>hello how are you</p><p>hello how are you</p></div><!-- right ends --></div><!-- main ends --></body></html>


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Because Internet Explorer is rendering it wrong.Your height: 100% declaration won't do anything if it doesn't know what to base 100% from. It can't find a specified height on its parent so it is not giving any height.You should define a height for the element's ancestor nodes.The other solution is to remove the height declaration and apply oveflow: auto to the <div> instead. This should make the #main div wrap around the floated elements inside it.

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hi Ingolmethanks for the reply.overflow auto really worked great.vineet

Because Internet Explorer is rendering it wrong.Your height: 100% declaration won't do anything if it doesn't know what to base 100% from. It can't find a specified height on its parent so it is not giving any height.You should define a height for the element's ancestor nodes.The other solution is to remove the height declaration and apply oveflow: auto to the <div> instead. This should make the #main div wrap around the floated elements inside it.
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