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Mismatched Tag: Expected </img>

hybrid kill3r

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I have an ajax code that displays the certain month of a calendar. There are buttons before and after the month name to switch to the next and previous months. The only error I am getting in Firebug error console is a message saying: "mismatched tag: expected </img>". which doesn't make sense to me since you don't use a </img> tag when using images. I even tried adding that tag after the normal img tag, but not even that fixed it. Also, the calendar doesn't display, only "[object HTMLCollection]"... but that's probably because of the JS error. Here's my code:

// JavaScript Document var xmlhttp=GetXmlHttpObject();if (xmlhttp==null)  {  alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX!");  }var url="ajax.php";url=url+"?what=month";xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=stateChanged;xmlhttp.open("GET",url,true);xmlhttp.send(null);function switchMonth(switchTo, switchFrom){		var ajaxURL = "ajax.php";	var URLExtension = "?what=month&with="+switchTo;		xmlhttp=GetXmlHttpObject();if (xmlhttp==null)  {  alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX!");  }var url="ajax.php?what=month&with="+switchTo;xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=stateChanged;xmlhttp.open("GET",url,true);xmlhttp.send(null);}function stateChanged(){		if(xmlhttp.readyState == 4){		var xmlDoc=xmlhttp.responseXML.documentElement;		document.getElementById("calendar").innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("calendar");	}}function GetXmlHttpObject(){if (window.XMLHttpRequest)  {  // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari  return new XMLHttpRequest();  }if (window.ActiveXObject)  {  // code for IE6, IE5  return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");  }return null;}

And my ajax code:

<?php$what = $_GET['what'];switch($what){case "month": $month = $_GET['with'];if(!$month){	$month = date("m");}header('Content-Type: text/xml');		header('Pragma: no-cache');		echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';		echo '<calendar>';if($_GET['month']){	$thismonth = $_GET['month'];} else {   // get this month and this years as an int	$thismonth = ( int ) date( "m" );}	$thisyear = date( "Y" );		// find out the number of days in the month	$numdaysinmonth = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $thismonth, $thisyear);		// create a calendar object	$jd = cal_to_jd( CAL_GREGORIAN, $thismonth,date( 1 ), date( "Y" ) );		// get the start day as an int (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc)	$startday = jddayofweek( $jd , 0 );	$nextmonth = $thismonth + 1;	$nextmonthname = cal_to_jd(CAL_GREGORIAN, date($nextmonth),date(1), date("Y"));	$lastmonth = $thismonth - 1;	$nextmonthname = cal_to_jd(CAL_GREGORIAN, date($lastmonth),date(1), date("Y"));	// get the month as a name	$monthname = jdmonthname( $jd, 1 );	echo '	<table>		<tr>			<td colspan="7"><div align="center"><a href="java script:switchMonth('.$lastmonth.', '.$thismonth.');"><img src="back.png" width="12" height="12" border="0" /></img></a><strong>'.$monthname.'</strong><a href="index.php?month='.$nextmonth.'" title="'.$nextmonthname.'"><img src="forward.png" width="12" height="12" border="0" /></img></a></div></td>		</tr>		<tr>			<td><strong>S</strong></td>			<td><strong>M</strong></td>			<td><strong>T</strong></td>			<td><strong>W</strong></td>			<td><strong>T</strong></td>			<td><strong>F</strong></td>			<td><strong>S</strong></td>		</tr>		<tr>'; 	// put render empty cells 	$emptycells = 0; 	for( $counter = 0; $counter <  $startday; $counter ++ ) {			echo "\t\t<td>-</td>\n";		$emptycells ++;		}		// renders the days		$rowcounter = $emptycells;	$numinrow = 7;		for( $counter = 1; $counter <= $numdaysinmonth; $counter ++ ) {			$rowcounter++;				echo "\t\t<td>$counter</td>\n";				if( $rowcounter % $numinrow == 0 ) {					echo "\t</tr>\n";						if( $counter < $numdaysinmonth ) {							echo "\t<tr>\n";						}					$rowcounter = 0;				}		}	$numcellsleft = $numinrow - $rowcounter;		if($numcellsleft != $numinrow) {			for( $counter = 0; $counter < $numcellsleft; $counter ++ ) {					echo "\t\t<td>-</td>\n";			$emptycells ++;				}		}		echo "		</tr>	</table>";		echo "</calendar>";	break;}	?>

Thanks for any help and thanks for viewing.

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It's because the code isn't being parsed as HTML, it's being parsed as XML, and XML requires closing tags for all elements.Try responseText instead of responseXML.

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Now it's expecting a closing anchor tag. Do i need to change anything in "var xmlDoc=xmlhttp.responseText.documentElement;"?These are the errors that I'm getting:errorscreen.gif
It sounds like you closed another tag before closing the <a> tag. However, unless you're returning XHTML I don't recommend the responseXML property. You should find a different way to send data back, like JSON, or plain text which you can parse yourself later.
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