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$_session Difficulties


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I am trying to create a login script that will set $_SESSION["userid"] to the value of a field in my database, called id. This should be very simple, but for some reason isn't working. Here is my login script:

<?phpsession_start();include_once("db_include.php5");doDB();//check for required fields from the formif ((empty($_POST['username']) && empty($_POST['email'])) || empty($_POST['password'])) {header("Location: loginform.php5");exit;}   else if($_POST["username"] && $_POST["password"]){	//create and issue the query	$sql = "SELECT id FROM aromaMaster WHERE username='".$_POST["username"]."' AND password=PASSWORD('".$_POST["password"]."')";	$sql_res =mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));	//get the number of rows in the result set; should be 1 if a match	if(mysqli_num_rows($sql_res) != 0) {	  //if authorized, get the userid	  while($info = mysqli_fetch_array($sql_res)) {		$userid = $_info["id"];	  }	  //set session variables	  $_SESSION["userid"] = $userid;	  mysqli_free_result($sql_res);	  //redirect to main page	  header("Location: loginredirect.php5");	  exit; }	} else if($_POST["email"] && $_POST["password"]) {		  //create and issue the query	$sql = "SELECT id FROM aromaMaster WHERE email='".$_POST["email"]."' AND password=PASSWORD('".$_POST["password"]."')";	$sql_res =mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));	//get the number of rows in the result set; should be 1 if a match	if(mysqli_num_rows($sql_res) != 0) {	  //if authorized, get the userid	  while($info = mysqli_fetch_array($sql_res)) {		$userid = $_info["id"];	  }	  //set session variables	  $_SESSION["userid"] = $userid;	  mysqli_free_result($sql_res);	  //redirect to main page	  header("Location: loginredirect.php5"); 	  exit;}	  } else {	  //redirect back to login form	  header("Location: loginform.php5");	  exit;	}	mysqli_close($mysqli);?>

I am echoing the session_id() and trying to echo $_SESSION["userid"] on the page that the user is redirected to, called contact.php5, but only the session id shows up.

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Fixed, la la la

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