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Url Function


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Perhaps I'm over thinking this, but here is the scenario:Link 1: http://www.example.comLink 2: http://www.example.com/Link 3: http://www.example.com/index.phpLink 4: http://www.example.com/index.php?var=123Link 5: http://www.example.com?var=123All of these links are pointing to the exact same location, but they are all different. I need a method to break down any version to just the http://www.example.com so I can append the address to http://www.example.com/favicon.ico.Things get even more confusing with addresses like:1: http://www.example.com.au/2: http://www.example.com.au/dir/index.php?var=123...where all I need is the http://www.example.com.au part.Any tips on how to achieve this? I'm clunking my head against a wall right now in frustration :)Thanks!

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Why do you need to get the domain? Why not just use "/favicon.ico"?

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Thanks guys, Teng84 hit it on the nail, never ran across those functions before, very handy!I run a very large mobile internet directory, and some of the links are in the formats listed above. That's why I needed to be able to break each link down, so I can display their pretty icons. I have it working now, but I'm not entirely happy with my quick fix. I need to write a preg_match statement. Anyone decent at writing reg exp's? I tried and butchered it.

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In theory you are correct, but there, unfortunately, are scenarios where developers don't follow the typical rules. Here's a standard favicon declaration:

 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />

Sometimes, I've seen people do this:

 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/images/favicon.ico" />

Or even this:

 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="myicon.ico" />

So, best practice would probably, I'm assuming, be to do a preg_match for the "myicon.ico". My problem is just that I seem to be struggling with reg exps.Tips?

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You might need 2 regexps, or a pattern with an OR. You need to look for either a link tag that has a rel with "shortcut icon" followed by an href, or a link tag with an href followed by a rel with "shortcut icon". There are a bunch of regexp examples around, and the PHP manual for preg includes another reference.

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